The Department of Psychology of the Philosophical Faculty of UT today organized a roundtable discussion on “The affirmation and role of the psychologist – Challenges and Perspectives”.
The purpose of this roundtable was for the panelists to present their ideas through scientific presentations and bring to the attention of the audience the role of psychologist as a professional. Also, the panelists of this roundtable, Prof. Dr. Lulzim Murtezani, Prof. Dr. Qufli Osmani, Marjana Jovanovska Stojanovska, Blerim Nebiu, Zaneta Tonceva, and Mevlane Zylfiqari discussed about the creation of an academic framework for the institutionalization of the psychologist’s role in different professional settings, between the viewpoint of the psychologist and of the school management.
The organization of this roundtable was preceded by an official meeting with the Rector of UT, Prof. Dr. Vullnet Ameti, where the signing of the Memorandum for Scientific and Professional Cooperation took place between the University of Tetova and the Chamber of Psychologists of North Macedonia in the field of training, deepening of knowledge and exchange of information and experiences for research, scientific gatherings, development projects and other projects of mutual interest, as well as for the development of psychological activities.

The Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy, Prof. Dr. Ibish Kadriu, assessed that the results of this academic and scientific cooperation will be very positive in terms of exchanging ideas and opinions and will be materialized by the signatories.
The Head of the Chamber of Psychologists, Marjana Jovanovska Stojanovska, stated that the University of Tetova is the place where psychologists are educated and trained, who will then become members of the Psychologists’ Chamber, where together and with our efforts will build and advance the profession of the psychologist in our country.
In the future it is expected that the University of Tetova and the Chamber of Psychologists will carry out a professional cooperation with the professors of the Department of Psychology and will initiate joint projects.