Students of the study program of Architecture within the Faculty of Applied Sciences, on June 30, 2021 in the outdoor premises of the University of Tetova presented the exhibition with their works within the subject Architectural Studio 5.

Students in their works have displayed some of the most contemporary concepts of design of hotel facilities, where is distinguished their voluminous work, always adhering to the acquired professional knowledge in the field of architecture, respectively the course Architectural Studio 5, which specifically deals with design of hotel facilities.

The professor of the course, Doc. Dr. Nuran Saliu, expressed his satisfaction with the work of the students which they have conducted together with the help of assistants, Mr. Sc. Fjolla Ibraimi, Mr. Sc. Egzona Zendeli and Mr. Sc. Ulvije Memedi Usejni. “Taking into consideration the history of hotel facilities, contemporary design concepts, but also the many challenges in the field of tourism, caused by the pandemic, the students managed to show a different approach to the design of facilities in this category. Their work is to be welcomed and we as professors feel proud of the generations, which we always prepare with the hope that in the future they will be able to become even more professional in their profession”- said Doc. Dr. Nuran Saliu.

The exhibition of third year students of the study program of Architecture, in addition to students of the Faculty of Applied Sciences of the University of Tetova, was also visited by students of other academic units.