Dear citizens,

based on the latest data of health institutions – competent for the management of the situation created by the pandemic Covid-19, we share our concern about the deterioration, spread and enormous increase in the number of people affected by the corona virus.

In these extremely worrying circumstances for all of us, we appeal to all citizens of the country to be vigilant and to strictly implement the recommendations arising from the official protocols of the World Health Organization, the Government and the Ministry of Health of the Republic of North Macedonia.

In this alarming situation, keeping physical distance, wearing a mask, personal hygiene, are mandatory in the joint fight against this global pandemic.

Also, ignoring misinformation – fake “news”, in this period is another obligation of each of us, so, let’s trust only epidemiologists, infectologists, who with a lot of professionalism, devotion and humanism offer their help to the public health.

In this situation, each of us can “do” the doctor, if he/she really adheres to everything that doctors say, today each of us can “cure” patients only by not infecting others.

Together we have gone through more difficult challenges in the past and thanks to the sacrifice and dedication, we have succeeded, and we will succeed this time also, with joint responsibility and commitment.