In an atmosphere full of emotions, about 1000 graduates of the University of Tetova marked today the completion of undergraduate studies. The throwing of caps ceremony is the main ceremony where graduates together with the University leadership, professors, parents and family members celebrate the successes and achievements during their period of study. In the court of the Rectorate of our University were present thousands of citizens, who applauded their sons and daughters for completing this cycle of studies, very important for their professional and academic career.

The graduation ceremony was declared open by the President of the Senate of our University, Prof. Dr. Kushtrim Ahmeti. He emphasized that today we are all gathered here to mark the end of a journey started years ago, a journey that was full of challenges and difficulties for graduates. “It is a joint celebration that we are sending-off a successful generation and marking one of the most important life achievements. Tomorrow brings you a new beginning, that of your professional career, a path in which the knowledge gained here will make you feel more confident. It is very important that in society everyone performs the task that belongs to them. So each person should do a certain job, which suits his talent and character. And this is justice according to Plato, the force that harmonizes the action of the virtues of the soul, the basic value on which the Republic is organized, is even its main virtue. Even on this journey, we will continue to stand by you to support you towards new achievements. You will always be our voice, which will penetrate into the reason of the new generations, cultivating knowledge and sowing love for it. You will be the ones who will make us more successful because the success of a university is measured by the achievements of its students. We are confident in your bright future, we are confident in your successes. Together we will continue to build our university that will be synonymous with knowledge, quality and progress. You will always remain students of the University of Tetova and the University of Tetova will always be your University”, said among others Prof. Dr. Kushtrim Ahmeti, President of the Senate of UT.

On behalf of the Government of North Macedonia and the Ministry of Education and Science, the Minister of Education and Science of our country, Jeton Shaqiri addressed the graduates with a speech. He in his speech, he told the graduates that while you eagerly and heartily await your diplomas, today I want to remember the eternally inextinguishable candle as far as this people with remember, to be here today and without whom I do not we would be – the martyr of knowledge Aldylselam Emini, may God bless his soul. “Today, on the graduation day, the chapter does not close, but continues. It continues stronger than ever, because you have been raised higher in your careers and with this not only your goals, expectations, but also your environment in which you have been raised. From today you have greater responsibilities than before, increase your work schedule and shorten your sleep schedule. It is the only way to success and happiness. This audience today expects you to work together in a more habitable city, better roads, cleaner air, more respect and tolerance, a safer place and closer to European and North Atlantic values, where we naturally belong as a nation since the beginning. On behalf of the government, today I owe you what we are doing and will do our best to improve employment conditions, living standards, raising the business climate, supporting the opening of businesses, all those who are admitted to the best universities, for master’s and doctoral studies – full coverage of study costs, we are doing everything to make our country safer, to make option number one, to live and create, to bring Europe here, instead of you find Europe there”, said the Minister of Education and Science, Jeton Shaqiri.

The festive hat-throwing ceremony was honored by the presence of the Minister of Health of our country, Bekim Sali. Referring to this great organization, he said that the special is not only the holiday that graduates and their families have today, because it is implicit and I want to wish you a lot of success.

However, this holiday has other reasons as well. After many years of discrimination against medical graduates at the University of Tetova, today I have the opportunity to tell you that now finally the points of the diploma of the physician of the University of Tetova will be equally valid in specialization vacancies. The equalization of points for physicians of all faculties has been a long-standing requirement that has already been overcome, and you newly graduated doctors will be evaluated the same as your colleagues of every other medical faculty in our country. Dear young doctors, in addition, after our arrival at the head of the Ministry of Health, we enabled the opening of the family medicine program, which has also been an old request and need of colleagues of the Faculty of Medicine at this university. What makes me happy, too, is that we are already in the process of drafting a project for the employment of the 50 most successful medical students of the country. I am convinced that as a society we should not in any way allow the most successful to go abroad. Moreover, I believe that the “booklet” of success and knowledge should be the decisive moment in positioning and professional development. I believe that we have not had such opportunities to help the intellectual youth”, declared the Minister of Health, Bekim Sali.

On behalf of the excellent students of this generation, the graduate of the Faculty of Law, Kaltrina Ruçi, gave a speech. In her speech, she expressed special gratitude and thanks to the University which years ago opened its doors to them and enabled them to study in good conditions, offering scholarships and other facilitations. “We, the graduates of this generation, are very proud that we have shared the common values ​​with the University of Tetova and we hope that in the future we will give our contribution to this model institution for the education of young people in our country and throughout the region. We wish success to the students who will come after us and we advise them to have great goals and to work with the greatest dedication and humility towards their realization. Ladies and gentlemen, at the very end I would like to quote a few words of my heart: to heartily thank the most beautiful angel in heaven, who in these moments I am convinced feels completely proud of me – Thank you, FATHER! ” – this is how Kaltrina Ruçi concluded her speech.

The central speech dedicated to graduates and other participants in this event was given by the Rector of the University of Tetova, Prof. Dr. Vullnet Ameti. “I have the special honor to greet you on this special day for you, your families and the University of Tetova. With a serious commitment and engagement, together with the students and the academic staff, we achieved today in the promotion of the graduates of the academic year 2021/2022, in which case we successfully crown the results of a systematic work, a work that will leave an indelible impression for all of us. Dear graduates, You who chose to study at our University three or four years ago, successfully followed the path of education and training, to gain new knowledge, and thus contribute to the consolidation of the values of knowledge of the whole society. This academic year, in all the faculties and study programs of our University, a considerable number of graduates have completed their undergraduate studies and on this occasion, allow me to express my unlimited gratitude on your behalf, first of all to the academic staff and your parents, who have credits for these achievements, in preparing new staff in various fields of education and science. The graduation of our final year students is a great event, evidence of a substantial progress that has been made in our institution, it is a proof that we have all were seriously dedicated to education, research and social progress. From the detailed analyzes that have been done, it results that the first University to teach in Albanian language in our country – the University of Tetova, has a multidimensional importance”, said at the beginning of his speech the Rector of UT, Prof. Dr. Vullnet Ameti.

Following, he said that the functioning of our University, for almost three decades raised our national consciousness, proved that there are capacities for strengthening this institution, but above all through this educational hub was preserved and developed our national being and identity. According to him, with the development of the University of Tetova, the dream and goal of the Albanians of the Republic of North Macedonia to gain the status of a state-building people, who deserve to be educated in their native language, in the Albanian language, came true. “It was this institution that unified the Albanian intellectuals, united the nation, realized the desire and will not only of the Albanian youth, to continue their university studies like other young people in the western world. The University of Tetova is the most important part of our recent history and has made an extraordinary contribution to the internationalization of the Albanian cause, paving the way for many processes that proved to be extremely successful for our national cause. We, all together, have managed to transform this center of knowledge at the level of contemporary universities, where genuine scientific debate takes place and academic freedoms are respected. Therefore, today, as never before, we feel honored when you are completed with knowledge and higher education, and even more so when we remember the difficult path to the coronation of your life ideal, obtaining diplomas in relevant fields of university studies, even in the University of Tetova, with which every resident of these areas and beyond is associated with many emotions from the recent past of the establishment of this unique institution of higher education that teaches in Albanian language in our country”, added the Rector, Prof. Dr. Vullnet Ameti among others. “We thank you all for these beautiful years we spent together and I would like to tell you that we experience this moment as great as you and your honorable parents, who sacrificed and contributed to the common future of this society, of this University, which lead by You, has no choice than to be bright and an inspiration for the generations to come. In the end, on my behalf and on behalf of the University of Tetova, I convey the fraternal congratulations to all of you, who have honored us today, on this solemn day and in this common joy, of the successful completion of the studies of the academic year 2021/2022. Blessed be you with knowledge and success! May God bless the University of Tetova! ”, concluded his speech Prof. Dr. Vullnet Ameti, Rector of the University of Tetova.

The hat-throwing ceremony of the 2021/2022 generation of graduates was attended by thousands of citizens, parents and family memebers of our graduates, as well as many personalities, among who heads of institutions, at central and local level. This event ended with an artistic program by artists Bajramali Idrizi and Shpëtim Mustafa.