The President of the Academy of Sciences of Albania, Academic Skënder Gjinushi and his associates, today paid a working visit to the University of Tetova. They were received by the Rector of the University of Tetova, Prof. Dr. Vullnet Ameti and other leaders of the University. In this meeting, the University of Tetova and the Academy of Sciences of Albania signed a Memorandum of Cooperation.

The President of the Academy of Sciences of Albania, Academic Skënder Gjinushi said that he feels satisfied that he was invited by the Rector of the University of Tetova, Prof. Dr. Vullnet Ameti to conclude a joint agreement. “Of course, this is a step for the continuation of the cooperation between our two institutions: the Academy of Sciences and the University of Tetova. A collaboration which dates from the beginning, the first steps of the foundation and the effort to establish this University. We have followed and follow with great pleasure the strengthening of this University, the increase of its standards in the formation of high specialists, and of course we feel it necessary to concretize and expand our cooperation with it even more. Today’s agreement, of course, is an agreement that foresees cooperation in all fields, since the University covers almost all fields of knowledge, just as the Academy, by its nature, has the mission to promote, develop, encourage scientific research in the main fields of knowledge. Education and science certainly go together, so they help and support each other and in this aspect there are many opportunities to cooperate and after reaching the agreement we will go towards concretizing this cooperation by inviting representatives of the University, from the known specialists, from the elite of the University’s professorship, to be part of the structures that function at the Academy of Sciences in the spaces that the new law for the Academy of Sciences allows and continuing further with the organization of joint groups and especially then, since we are in the drafting phase of three major Albanianology projects, here we definitely seek more concrete cooperation with representatives of the University of Tetova, with specialists in history, Albanianology, language or even in other fields as far as the Albanian encyclopedia is concerned. Once again, I express my satisfaction for reaching the agreement, which is certainly only a stone in this historic cooperation between the two institutions”, said the President of the Academy of Sciences of Albania, Academician Skënder Gjinushi.

Meanwhile, the Rector of the University of Tetova, Prof. Dr. Vullnet Ameti thanked the Academy of Sciences of Albania, specifically the president, Prof. Dr. Skënder Gjinushi and his staff, who today visited the University of Tetova and reached a cooperation agreement. “The agreement includes educational and scientific cooperation, in gathering the forces of experts or scientists from our regions. As the Academic Skënder Gjinushi emphasized that, as a research body, we are small, and we are obliged to cooperate among ourselves to achieve much better-quality research in the country and the international arena. The University of Tetova is grateful to the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Albania and the Republic of Kosovo for the earlier cooperation they had and to the academic staff who visited and lectured at the University of Tetova. The cooperation of the Academy with the University of Tetova is a very excellent idea of Professor Skënder Gjinushi. In the spring, we also had the open fair of the newest publications in Albanian territory. I congratulate him on the excellent activity that he did. I believe that next year, Academic Skënder Gjinushi, you will continue that tradition of the fair, so our university expects the greatest help from the Academy, and we, with our forces, with the intellectual and research capacities that we have, will be at the service of the Academy of Sciences”, said the Rector of the University of Tetova, Prof. Dr. Vullnet Ameti.

Collaborations with such institutions are always fruitful for our university, as they help to raise the quality of education, the development of research and scientific research, as well as enable the exchange of experiences with specialists and professionals in the relevant fields.