“Culture and globalization” was the topic of the XVI International Seminar of Albanology. Over 100 researchers of the sciences of linguistics, literature, history and ethnoculture, during the works of this edition, presented their scientific papers, by bringing new thoughts on these topics, which are not only in the interest of researchers, but also of public opinion.

Rector of the University of Tetova, Prof. Dr. Vullnet Ameti, in his welcoming speech addressed to the participants in this seminar, emphasized that the scientific manifestations, debates and thoughts presented in this seminar bring to light important values with scientific weight. “The International Seminar of Albanology has been and will continue to be at the service of this goal, with great humanitarian and civilizing orders. This Seminar is a center which gathers well-known researchers of the Albanian language, literature, history, and culture, who through the relevant sessions present them, present their scientific theses and debate on issues related to Albanianology in general. In this year’s Seminar Program, through the conduction of scientific activities, we believe that the positive practice of intensifying cooperation between researchers and intellectual circles of the country with those who bring their experiences from other university, scientific and research centers, wherever studies are conducted, will continue. from the field of linguistics, literature, history, and Albanian culture. Also today, in this official opening of the works of the Seminar, we also promote the journal No. 17-18, the ninth volume of the “Albanology”, said the Rector of the UT, Prof. Dr. Vullnet Ameti.

Director of the International Seminar of Albanology, Prof. Dr. Salajdin Salihu said that the seminar conducts the works in four scientific sessions, that of linguistics, literature, ethnoculture and media, as well as that of history. He then, referring to the central topic that the seminar treats, in front of the audience presented some personal thoughts about culture in the time of globalization, which according to him do not necessarily represent the institutional attitude. “Proponents of globalization say they support pluralism and cultural and political autonomy, which affects the development of democracy. But the anti-globalists, who act globally, think differently. According to them: the world is suffocated by international financial institutions; unification erases cultural diversity and endangers local cultures; cultural homogeneity endangers cultural diversity. Cultures, however, are national phenomena. They are not international phenomena. But they enable transnational integration. National cultures, as the wealth of humanity, by being open systems, are enriched in interaction”, said the Director of the International Seminar of Albanology, Prof. Dr. Saladin Salihu.

Th academic Beqir Meta also welcomed the works of the seminar. The academic Beqir Meta also welcomed the works of the seminar. He said that the organization of this seminar is a beautiful tradition and keeps alive the desire, the passion for studies, to talk together, to exchange opinions, to verify the knowledge we gain from scientific research and studies, each of us to expand our knowledge, but at the same time to motivate in the expansion of knowledge. “We are very pleased to return to this seminar after this great trauma of human society in general, from the pandemic, and I wish that it will go well, that we will now return to normality, so it is a positive sign of normality. I want to welcome a positive element that this seminar has, that it affirms continuously and with great determination the young researchers whom I have also seen in other seminars and who come to give presentations, so the seminars have served as a place, a very positive promotion school. Our task is to support this very positive trend more and more with a serious scientific content, which is a permanent challenge and must be continuous, to renew the value of this seminar as much as possible, first the University of Tetova, but also all the other centers”, said Prof. Dr. Beqir Meta.

Then, at the solemn opening of this Seminar, Prof. Dr. Marenglen Verli, from the Republic of Albania, presented his paper on the topic: “Efforts of Serbia for the ethnic cleansing of the Albanian villages 1877-1941”. Prof. Dr. Isak Shema from the Republic of Kosovo presented his paper: “Contemporary literary culture and globalization” to the participants, while Prof. Dr. Agim Vinca from the Republic of North Macedonia presented the paper on the topic: “Contemporary literary culture and globalism”. The Seminar of Albanology has become an important center for researchers from the country, the region and beyond.