At the Faculty of Applied Sciences of the University of Tetova, on October 3, 2022, was opened the annual exhibition organized by the students and professors of the Department of Architecture. The presented works were from different fields worked by students during the academic year 2021/2022.

At the opening of this exhibition, to the participants with greeting speech addressed the dean of the Faculty of Applied Sciences, Prof. Dr. Feta Sinani. He first congratulated the students for their commitment and the professional work they have done during a semester, which they crowned with the organization of this exhibition. According to him, the study programs of the Faculty of Applied Sciences are conceived on the experiences of European universities, such as those of the University of Stuttgart, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, the Vienna University of Technology, the University of Zagreb -Technology, and other universities. “Within plans and programs, in addition to theoretical methods are also advanced the practical and applied ones, implemented in society. With the new accreditation, we have even more advanced study programs adapted to current circumstances. The mission of the Faculty of Applied Sciences is to produce professional and qualitative staff in the fields of engineering to meet social needs. Also, the creation of a professional, academic, and scientific framework for the needs of the faculty, who will be able to develop the teaching process and respond to the challenges of the time. Today’s exhibition is proof of the active work of the students during their studies and the serious commitments of the professors, who give their best in the professional preparation of new staff”, emphasized the dean of this faculty, Prof. Dr. Feta Sinani.

About the exhibition of architecture students spoke the Prof. Dr. Kujtim Elezi. According to him, through this exhibition students find the opportunity to present themselves, tomorrow’s professional, who will have to shoulder the change, because it is the last time to prove that the value is what should be brought to the fore, not the vanity, wickedness, and myopia. “I congratulate the students for a brave step, in breaking the silence that took us the last few years, and in their willingness today in front of you I say here, that we are alive, we are UT. What is happening today, I believe, will have to be a frequent event, through which one party will be encouraged to work, the other seeks quality presented as a result through the exhibition. I believe that the commitment of all of us here, in the future, through the next exhibitions will be proudly to tell the public that, we are the difference, even though, through the work that is visible”, said Prof. Dr. Kujtim Elezi.

For the conduction of this exhibition also have contributed the assistants of the Department of Architecture, Erda Besimi, Fjolla Ibrahimi, Fjolla Sahiti and Hafije Murati. In this activity also was promoted the catalog with the works of the students of the study program Architecture.