At the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the University of Tetova, representatives of the U.S. Embassy in the Republic of North Macedonia today presented the scholarship programs, which were awarded by the American Government. These scholarship programs are a good study opportunity for both students and academic staff.

Vice-Rector for International Relations, Prof. Dr. Shefik Shehu, thanked the American Embassy as a very important factor and strong supporter of the University of Tetova. “Our university already has an excellent cooperation with many different universities from the USA, thus bringing many visiting professors within the framework of the Fulbright program. These scholarships are an extraordinary opportunity for all students and academic staff to gain experience, whether personal or professional”, – said the Prof. Dr. Shefik Shehu. He also thanked the American Corner in Tetovo, as a very important bridge of our University’s cooperation with the American Embassy.

The representative of the U.S. Embassy in Skopje, Gazmend Iljazi, presented in more detail the various scholarship programs, such as the Global Ugrad and Fulbright programs. “The Global Ugrad scholarship program enables students to study for one semester at one of the USA universities, while the Fulbright program scholarships enable postgraduate studies in the United States of America, for all students who are in basic university studies and wish to enroll their postgraduate studies, but also for students who have enrolled master’s or doctoral degrees and wish to do research, research on their master’s and doctoral thesis. The special feature of these scholarships offered by the U.S. Embassy is that it covers all expenses from the visa to the return ticket”, emphasized Gazmend Iljazi.

The only condition for benefiting from the scholarships is knowledge of the English language, while the selection of candidates is done in a transparent manner.