The University of Tetova has been accredited for the realization of six workshops for teachers and professional services of primary schools in the Republic of North Macedonia.

In the framework of the program for training and service providers for professional advancement, the academic staff of the Faculty of Philosophy and the Faculties of Pedagogy have started the implementation of workshops  in these modules, such as: Education in contemporary context; Development of socio-emotional skills in students; Gender equality and gender sensitivity in school; Teaching based on approach to the problem; Teaching for the development of critical thinking in students; Designing objective tests of knowledge; Developing social skills and self-confidence in students, dealing with problematic behaviors and creating a positive socio-emotional climate in the classroom.

For this purpose, from October 31, 2022, the professors of the Faculty of Pedagogy and the Faculty of Philology have started with the realization of workshops with about 20 groups of teachers, with the above-mentioned topics, in several cities of our country, starting from: Tetova, Gostivari , Manastir, Prespa, Shtip, Strumica, Kriva Palanka, Kumanova and Skopje. In the following days, the training team will carry out training in Negotina, Veles, Kavadar, Delcevo, Vinica, Struga and other places.