Rector of the University of Tetova, Prof. Dr. Kushtrim Ahmeti was received today in a working meeting by the Minister of Finance of the government of our country, Fatmir Besimi. In this meeting, he was accompanied by the President of the Senate, Prof. Dr. Vullnet Ameti, Vice-Rector for Science, Prof. Dr. Agon Memeti and the Vice-Rector for Finance, Investments and Development, Prof. Dr. Faton Shabani.

The focus of this meeting was the inter-institutional cooperation and the very significant contribution that these two institutions make in the Republic of North Macedonia. Rector, Prof. Dr. Kushtrim Ahmeti informed the Minister Fatmir Besimi about the intensity of the work being carried out at the University of Tetova, as well as thanking him for allowing the double employment of the medical staff of the Clinical Hospital of Tetova at the Faculty of Medical Sciences in our institution. “The University of Tetova is the first institution of higher education in the Albanian language, with the largest number of students and therefore the highest number of employees. We highly appreciate your commitment in securing new employment of educational staff and not only in this University, which every year opens new study programs necessary for the labor market. I believe that in the future we will continue with this spirit of cooperation, which is in function of the advancement and strengthening of personnel capacities in our University”, emphasized the Rector, Prof. Dr. Kushtrim Ahmeti.

Meanwhile, the Minister of Finance, Fatmir Besimi, expressed his consideration for the educational-scientific activity that has been carried out at UT over the years and assured that in the future, together with the leaders of the University, he will engage in the strengthening of this institution, which has a vital role in the general processes in the Republic of North Macedonia.