By paying homage to the bust of the martyr of the Albanian education, Abdylselam Emini, and to the tomb of the First Historical Rector of the University of Tetova, Prof. Dr. Fadil Sulejmani, the visit to the historical Museum in the village of Poroj and with the organization of the solemn academy, the University of Tetova commemorated today the anniversary of the first lectures. Today, 28 years ago, on February 17, 1995, began the academic year in this institution of higher education in the Albanian language. From today’s point of view, the decision to found the University of Tetova is considered a historic step, brought by the most visionary structures of the Albanian intelligentsia in Macedonia, with the objective of solving the issue of higher education in the mother language. In the long, almost 30-year journey, the UT has marked significant achievements in the educational, scientific and cultural fields. Rector of the University of Tetova, Prof. Dr. Kushtrim Ahmeti in marking this anniversary said that the University of Tetova during this period has conducted its educational mission and has been transformed into a successful public university. “28 years ago, on February 17, 1995, on this marked date for higher education in the Albanian language, were held the first lectures of the University of Tetova in the village of Poroj in Tetovo. On the same day, in the village of Mala Rečica (Recicë e Vogël), the beginning of the lectures was also accompanied by a confrontation between the residents and the police, which ended with a tragic balance, with many injured, imprisoned and the fell of the martyr of education in the Albanian language, Abdylselam Emini. The first lectures in this temple of knowledge began on February 17, 1995, even though the political circumstances were quite tense, where armed forces were mobilized to extinguish the knowledge, science, progress and the future of Albanians in this country. But, when the people supported this major national project and this noble idea, such as the University, it was proven that no force can stop the fulfillment of this idea and the conduction of this ideal. The impatient people for knowledge, was present in Poroj and in Mala Rečica (Recicë e Vogël) in defense of the University, despite the large presence of police forces and the violence exerted on Albanians by the government of the time. This event marks a historical turning point for Albanians, with which we proved that we are steadfast in our demands for education in the mother language”- said the Rector, Prof. Dr. Kushtrim Ahmeti.

In his speech, he also expressed gratitude to the owners of the houses, who transformed their fireplaces into auditoriums for holding lectures of the University of Tetova, also he thanked with fraternal gratitude the professors and students of the first generation, who raised the curtain of education and scientific research in this hearth of light and knowledge.

The report for this date of higher education in the Albanian language was presented to the audience by the well-known historian, Prof. Dr. Zeqirja Idrizi, who emphasized that February 17 will remain written in letters that smell of blood, because in those days it was proven that the governors of that time did not even intend to talk with the logic of the civilized world, for the great request of the Albanians to be taught in the Albanian language.

“Those who wanted to change this indescribable will of the people, led by the intelligentsia led by Prof. Dr. Fadil Sulejmanin, they took care that instead of support, in Poroji which was ready for any sacrifice, to send police forces armed, with threats and blackmail, the students who had gathered they put to a great test, while the residents of Poroj and Džepčište had prepared their houses to transform them into classrooms, cabinets and premises where the first lecture would take place. In a very tense atmosphere, the police superiors received the orders from above, while on the faces of each policeman there was the blind readiness to go into action, by implementing the orders, in the presence of a large number of journalists, who were aware of the danger that threatens them in that crowd, which will be fatal for many activists of the UT”, said the Prof. Dr. Zeqirja Idrizi. Referring to the first beginnings of the UT and when we commemorate the first lectures held by the professors of the first Albanian University in Macedonia, Professor Zeqirja Idrizi said that the memories that bring us the view of that time are still fresh, when the University of Tetova was more than an educational institution, it was a holy temple of knowledge that was rising on the horizon of light and knowledge for a brighter future of the new generations.

The solemn ceremony marking the first lectures ended with the artistic program performed by Professor Kastriot Tusha. This date also has a coincidence, on the same day, on February 17, 2008, the Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo announced the independence long awaited by entire generations, who sacrificed themselves on the altar of freedom for a free and independent Kosovo. On this occasion, the Rector of UT, Prof. Dr. Kushtrim Ahmeti congratulated the leaders of Kosovo and the entire Albanian people in the ethnic territories and everywhere in the world on the Independence Day of Kosovo. He also participated today in the unveiling of the commemorative plaque of “Square of Resistance” -In defense of the first lectures of the UT in the village of Poroj in Tetovo.

In his speech addressed to hundreds of participants in this activity, Rector Prof. Dr. Kushtrim Ahmeti stated that we have a special emotion when we are in the village of Poroj, especially on this day which marks the 28th anniversary of the beginning of the first lectures and according to him, it is not only this day that we remember with greatness and pride the resistance which exactly the inhabitants of the village of Poroj did in defense of the University. “There is no meeting, no manifestation in which we do not mention exactly this extraordinary example of the residents and all other citizens of this area. Believe me, there is no other university in the world which has this greatness, there is no other university in the world which has its own hero, which has its own martyr Abdylselam Emini. Therefore, we as the leaders and we as the University are determined to continue the path that was paved before, many years ago, by all those who started this very important national project. We said it earlier, we keep mentioning the message that our first rector, Prof. Dr. Fadil Sulejmani said it in front of the police forces”, stated the UT Rector. In the following of his speech, he said that: “We continue that path, we continue the resistance in the scientific arena, in the arena of confronting knowledge and educating new generations. The University of Tetova is grateful to all of you, for all that you have done for our University, in particular we are grateful to the activity and unparalleled courage of Professor Nevzat Halili, who at that time was part of the political leadership did not hesitate to come to defense in any form and use all mechanisms to protect it and raise the voice of the University as high as possible. The University of Tetova has been and will remain the people and we will always stay on this path”. The inauguration of this commemorative plaque and the “Square of Resistance” coincided with the 28th anniversary of the beginning of the first lectures of the University of Tetova in the village of Poroj, where on February 17, 1995, the residents of this village and hundreds of other citizens became a shield alive in defense of the first generation of the University of Tetova and Albanian education. This date marks a historic turning point for our educational, cultural and national renaissance, aligning us with the advanced nations of contemporary civilization.