At the University of Tetova, the book (post mortem) “Graphene – Synthesis, characterization and application” by the author Abdilaqim Ademi was promoted today. This book belongs to the field of nano-technology and nano-materials, and is also the doctoral dissertation of the deceased. This work was published by the Analytical Research Center “Abdilaqim Ademi”.

Rector of the University of Tetova, Prof. Dr. Kushtrim Ahmeti, in his speech, said that the University of Tetova continuously supports the publication and promotion of university and scientific texts of the academic staff and all scientific researchers, where until now we have published and republished university texts presented and promoted in our institution. “All these publications are an inevitable pillar of the affirmation of the scientific work of the academic and scientific staff inside and outside the University of Tetova. First, let’s take some time to remember the figure of Abdilaqim Adem, who, in addition to being a prominent politician, was also a man who loved education, a man of science. Today, in this temple of knowledge that breathes Albanian, we promote the book that he did not manage to publish due to his premature death, but that he left behind as a scientific testament. We remember Abdilaqim Ademi as a supporter of the progress of higher education in Macedonia, a friend of the University of Tetova, who is connected with the history of our university since before its officialization, being engaged in the Assembly of the Republic of North Macedonia, to participate in the drafting of the Law for the legalization of the University of Tetova, while as an assistant at the Center for Polytechnic Studies he made a direct contribution to its establishment. As a former minister of education, he honored our institution without hesitation, joining us in recording the most important events of the university, lobbying in educational and scientific circles for the importance of advancing education in general, but especially  education in the Albanian language. Law on amending and supplementing the Law on the establishment of the State University of Tetova, drawn up in coordination with the university’s leadership, which changed the name of the university, from the State University of Tetova to the University of Tetova, simultaneously establishing the Faculty of Pedagogy and The Faculty of Agriculture and Biotechnology bears his signature. Today, when we are on the verge of finalizing the dormitory of our university’s students, it should not be forgotten that this initiative started at this time”, said the Rector of the University of Tetova, Prof. Dr. Kushtim Ahmeti.

As for the book, which was promoted today, he emphasized that the book was drafted in accordance with all the criteria of writing a research and scientific book, while the author, while elaborating the text as a whole, tried to avoid the treatment of classic material. “The content of this book is divided into six chapters, where each of them deals with the superior properties of graphene, which according to scientists was named as the material of the future or the magical material, which has the possibility of wide application in many fields of science and of everyday life. The challenge and importance of this book, the doctoral dissertation, lies in the fact that this method has been researched very little in the world and the results obtained are primary and original in this scientific field. The individual work of the author and the experimental research carried out in the framework of the doctoral thesis clarify in detail the model for determining the layers of graphene, as well as the model that enables the calculation of the distribution of the thickness of graphene based on XRD data. The University of Tetova welcomes all those who with good deeds contribute to the progress of future generations, investing precisely in education and in the further advancement of knowledge for the generations to come”, declared the Rector of the University of Tetova, Prof. Dr. Kushtim Ahmeti.

The editor of this publication, Prof. Dr. Hamit Mehmeti, professor at the Faculty of Mechanical and Computer Engineering of “Isa Boletini” University in Mitrovica, Kosovo, said that today we gathered at this scientific promotion, to be informed about the scientific achievements in the field of nano-technology and nano-materials. “This time, we will not learn about this type of technology from world scientists, but from the son of this nation, from the researcher of this field, Abdilaqim Ademi. We have all known Abdilaqim Ademi as a man of politics, a man of challenges and a man of solving political, inter-ethnic, ecological and educational problems, while only his close circle of friends and colleagues knew his scientific side. . Abdilaqim Ademi was a great lover of education, researcher and scientist in the beginning, who promised a lot, with a great love for science and with an incomparable will for the establishment of genuine scientific frameworks, with many ideas for the realization of these wishes and undoubtedly that he would be able to realize them one by one, if the serious illness had not stopped his step”, said the editor, Prof. Dr. Hamit Mehmeti.

On behalf of the leader of DUI, Mr. Ali Ahmeti, this event was also greeted by Ismet Sulejmani from Kosovo, the book’s author’s mentor, Prof. Dr. Aleksandar Dimitrov, as well as the representative of the Analytical-Research Center, “Abdilaqim Ademi”, Mr. Pishtar Lutfiu.

The author of the book that was promoted today, Abdilaqim Ademi, was born on December 20, 1969 in the village of Shemshevo. He completed his primary school in his native village, then continued his secondary school at the Gymnasium of Tetova. He started his studies in Mitrovica, but due to the events of that time, he continued his studies in Tirana, at the Polytechnic Faculty of the University of Tirana, and in 1996 he received the title of Metallurgical Engineer. He also, after the legalization of the University of Tetova, in 2004 was appointed an assistant at the Faculty of Construction. In 2018, at the “St. Cyril and Methodius” University in Skopje, he enrolled in post-graduate doctoral studies, but failed to defend his dissertation. He passed away on February 16, 2018. This book promotion was concluded with instrumental music by Benjamin Menga and Jetmir Mehmedi.