Today at the University of Tetova was organized a commemorative academy on the occasion of the birthday of the martyr of the nation Burim Huseini (student of the Faculty of Philology, Albanian Language and Literature). To honor his sublime work and sacrifice, who responded with the greatest devotion to the dedication of freedom, at this event were present a large number of comrades-in-arms, idealists, family members, professors and students.

Rector of the University of Tetova, Prof. Dr. Kushtrim Ahmeti said that he feels respected that on behalf of the University of Tetova and in his own name, to welcome this event with a national character, where we are all present together in the promotion of the documentary “The source of the dream of freedom” dedicated to the martyr of the nation Burim Huseini, the former student of the University of Tetova, namely the Faculty of Philology, in the Language department and Albanian Literature. “Many students, workers and Albanian citizens were martyred for this university and for our language: Bedri Halimi, Zejadin Zimberi, Xhemil Abduramani, Burim Hyseini, Abdylselam Emini and others, whose blood have become light and today illuminate the path of our knowledge. Today, when we all mark the birthday of Burim and commemorate the glorious work of one of our students, a martyr of the nation, Albanians wherever they live breathe in new circumstances, therefore, we humble ourselves before His work and all other martyrs , for their determination and courage, for the titanic sacrifice in the organization of the liberation movements on a nationwide scale, by transforming fundamentally into the advancement of the legal and constitutional status of Albanians in our ethnic areas. Burim Huseini belonged to the generation that once and for all changed the continuation of our history, he belonged to that generation that best embodied the virtues of the Albanian determined for freedom and democracy. Such people display and carried out their genius and temperament in a supreme way, wherever they act, they display their unparalleled courage and bravery. With his freedom-loving spirit, strong character, innate bravery and his intelligence, Burim Huseini and all the nation’s martyrs turned every page of history and palm of land into history and martyr land. Glory to the work of our student Burim Huseini and all the martyrs of the nation!”- said the Rector of the University of Tetova, Prof. Dr. Kushtrim Ahmeti.

The Head of the Secretariat for the families of martyrs and war veterans, Rafiz Aliti, in his speech said that we as Albanians have been violated and despised by different systems during the time of the former Yugoslavia and after it. According to him, it is no coincidence that in 2001, Burim took up the weapon and fought for our rights, for the rights of the Albanian nation in Macedonia and beyond. “Burim was inspired by his father and her mother, it was inspired by his father Nijaziu who has been expelled several times, suspended from work because of his convictions that he had while working as an educator. It has not been easy for Burim to see his father, how one day he is in a working relationship and the next day he cannot go, just because he said something that did not please the government at that time. Before turning 16, Burim was in Bajram Curr where he asked to join the Kosovo Liberation Army. After the exercises that the superiors did there, they respected the rules of war and sent him back, because he was very young. In 2001, the generation of Burim, who were also students of this University, most took up the weapons because they had felt that discrimination since their childhood, they felt even during the time they were attending lectures, that this university was not legalized. I remember a saying of a Macedonian politician, who said: “a dead baby was born”. Today, we are all witnesses that this baby is growing day by day and that dream of the martyrs of 2001 is being conducted and this University is legal today”.- said, among other things, the Head of the Secretariat for the families of martyrs and war veterans, Rafiz Aliti.

In this event was also promoted the documentary “The source of the dream of freedom” dedicated to the nation’s martyr Burim Huseini. As a sign of respect and honor for the war and superhuman sacrifice and heroic fall for the national cause, the Rector of the University of Tetova, Prof. Dr. Kushtrim Ahmeti together with the President of the Senate, Prof. Dr. Vullnet Ameti, to the family of the martyr Burim Huseini bestowed a post-mortem Certificate, the Monograph of the University and the portrait of the first Rector of the University of Tetova, Prof. Dr. Fadil Sulejmani.