At the University of Tetova, today was marked March 21, World Poetry Day. This event was organized by the students and professors of the Albanian Language and Literature of the Faculty of Philology.

Dean of this faculty, Prof. Dr. Berton Sulejmani said that in addition to the educational and scientific work the Faculty of Philology is also the bearer of many important activities of national and international character. “The engagement of the academic staff has supported and will support the initiatives of our students with all the capacities and opportunities that we have. The inauguration of the Student Journal “Përtej”, it is an honor and pride for students, but at the same time and for us as the academic staff. Therefore, this event presents an excellent opportunity for students to demonstrate in front of the public what they have learned and thereby promote themselves, our faculty and university”, said Prof. Dr. Berton Sulejmani.

On the manifestation dedicated to the World Poetry Day was promoted the new issue of the Student Journal “Përtej”, a journal that this year marks the 10th anniversary of its publication. About the content and the topics that journal addresses, spoke MA. Adelina Xhaferi, whereas the student of Gymnasium of Gostivar, Qëndresa Sulejmani read her prose published in this journal, titled: Family – The first Environment-Familja – Mjedisi i parë.

At this event was present also the winner of the literary prize “Kadare” for 2023, Nurije Emurllai. On this occasion, Professor Fatmir Sulejmani in his speech said that Nurie Emurllai is one of the 5-6 new creators who have come out of our university, who, thanks to the aesthetic value of works published during the last of 2-3 years, it became known throughout the Albanian cultural area. “The poetry of Nurie Emurllai, the wise, smart, modest and precious artist, who with the first publications proved to write differently from others, that she writes about her life, that she is a special voice of today’s Albanian poetry that will certainly be popular soon in the international arena”, said Prof. Dr. Fatmir Sulejmani.

Professor Nurije Emurlai expressed gratitude to colleagues of the Department of Albanian Language and Literature for the support that they have given to her during her studies so far. Among other things, she said that every student during her studies at the faculty grows and matures for life, and we are all lucky to have grown mentally and professionally by professors who not only motivated us, but as their children they gave us even greater opportunities, by always trusting us.

In a sign respect and gratitude for the successes marked as a literary creator, the Rector of the University of Tetova, Prof. Dr. Kushtrim Ahmeti, to the Professor Nurije Emurlla, gave a painting with the Musseum of the Albanian Aphabet and the Monograph of the University of Tetova. This activity was concluded with some recitations by students of the Department of Albanian Language and Literature, Zymbyle Ameti, Sibora Hoxha, Fatjona Karpuzi, Altina Sulejmani, Egzona Misimi accompanied with violin by the Faculty of Arts, Benjamin Menga