On the occasion of World Autism Awareness Day, the Pedagogical Faculty of the University of Tetova organized a round table. This day aims to raise awareness of autism spectrum disorders and improve the lives of those who live with it. According to researchers and scientists in this field, autistic people usually have special tendencies in different fields, therefore the encouragement and support to further develop their skills has a positive effect on removing the negative energy they may have.

Dean of the Faculty of Pedagogy, Prof. Dr. Lulzim Mehmedi, in his speech, said that the University of Tetova is open for cooperation with all those who want to help with investments, in order to create conditions for linking theory with practice and for our students to be closer to the market work. On this occasion, he thanked the Swiss Education Association, which has continuously supported the Pedagogical Faculty. “We have a successful cooperation in this direction with the Education Association from Switzerland, this association since 2014/2015 has continuously supported the Faculty of Pedagogy, mainly the study program of Special Education and Rehabilitation, but also other study programs. This support consists of professional scientific books, which from this week will be in our library and will be accessible to all students, 2 Braille typewriters, 2 cameras for recording lessons, teaching aids for autism, clay, cards, blocks, letter games, etc., which amounts to 3075 Swiss francs. We also have the donation of the audiogram, measurement of hearing ability, as well as the last donation that reached us last week, which is about providing equipment with the ABLLS-R (Assessment of Basic Language and Learning Skills) program – Revised, which amounts to 1,300 US dollars. These devices will serve to increase the professional competence of students for ABA Therapy, to evaluate, instruct and monitor children with autism or other developmental disabilities, as well as identifying deficiencies in language, academic, and then to implement and evaluate the intervention. We should not forget the financial help and support that we have had for the two achievements of the “Special Study Week”, as well as preparation and support for the realization of the “Third Special Study Week”, said the Dean of the Faculty of Education, Prof. Dr. Lulzim Mehmedi.

He emphasized that the Pedagogical Faculty is open for collaborations of important scientific activities. “One of them is today’s panel discussion, which coincides with April 2 – World Autism Awareness Day and in which Doc. Dr. Jasmina Troshanska, professor at the Faculty of Pedagogy, Megan Reed-Hansen, BCBA therapist and Mr.Sc. Agnesa Besimi, assistant at the Faculty of Pedagogy participated. We hope that important conclusions will emerge from this discussion that will serve the educational policy makers, with special emphasis on the sphere of full inclusion in the regular educational process of children with the autism spectrum”, underlined, among other things, the Dean of the Faculty Pedagogical, Prof.Dr. Lulzim Mehmedi.

Part of the round table were the therapist trained in BCBA, Megan Reed – Hansen, Professor of the Faculty of Education, Doc. Dr. Jasmina Troshanska and the assistant of the Faculty of Pedagogy, Mr. Sc. Agnes Besimi. BCBA trained therapist, Megan Reed – Hansen presented on the topic: “Early intervention in ABA therapy”, Faculty of Education Professor, Doc. Dr. Jasmina Troshanska spoke on the topic: “Visual support, vitally important for children with autism” and Mr. Sc. Agnesa Besimi spoke on the topic: “Definition of challenging behavior and its prevalence in children with autism”.

World Autism Day was established by the United Nations General Assembly in 2007 as an effort to end discrimination against people with autism. Autism is thought to be caused by a combination of genes and environmental factors. It is estimated that one percent of the global population is autistic.