At the University of Tetova today, through a literary activity, the Faculty of Philology marked the book month. In order to make the celebration of this event as dignified as possible, the Department of Albanian Language and Literature of this faculty organized the literary competition titled “Me in front of others”.

A large number of students from various study programs from all academic units of our university participated in this competition, while in the announcement of the results also took part the Rector of UT, Prof. Dr. Kushtrim Ahmeti with his associates.

Dean of the Faculty of Philology, Prof. Dr. Berton Sulejmani in his speech congratulated all the students for the interest they have shown to participate in this literary competition, he also encouraged the students to devote themselves to literary creativity in the future and to attend other competitions that are organized from institutions and subjects dealing with art, culture and literature.

For the students participating in this literary activity were awarded certificates, while the evaluation committee composed of professors: Esmije Veseli, Netrila Sinani and Adelina Xhaferi, decided to select the six best essays, which were awarded with symbolic prizes.

The three best essays for the third place were chosen by students: Zymbyle Ameti – Albanian Language and Literature, Fatbardha Avdiji – English Language and Literature and Remzije Sulejmanoska – Computer Sciences.

While the second place was awarded by the students Lindihana Hamiti – Course of study-Geography and Alejna Hasani – Special Education and Rehabilitation, while the first place in this competition was won by the student Egzon Xhaferi from the study program of Albanian Language and Literature.