Students of the University of Tetova joined the initiative of “Sharr Mountain National Park” for the cleaning of some terrains in this area. The students of our University, under the leadership of the Dean of the Faculty of Physical Education, Prof. Dr. Shpresa Memishi and the Dean of the Faculty of Food Technology and Nutrition, Prof. Dr. Xhezair Idrizi, on May 8, 2023, participated in the action to clean the road from “Popova Shapka” (Kodra e Diellit) to the village of Gajre.

Under the motto “Together we are stronger”, our students together with the Director of Sharr Mountain National Park, MA. Ibrahim Dehari and other employees in this institution, as well as representatives of ELEM TURS and NPK “Tetova” managed to collect about 170 bags of garbage.

They appealed to all citizens and residents of the surrounding areas to take care of protecting the environment, because the future of the globe will only develop through projects that preserve flora and fauna.