James Pettifer, professor at the University of Oxford  one of the most famous British historians and publicists, which is specialized in Balkan issues, within the framework of Center for Peace and Transcultural Communication of the University of Tetova, has presented to students and researchers his research “Writing the history of the Balkans after the Cold War”.

This lecture was made possible by the Center for Peace and Transcultural Communication, and in this occasion the head of this center, Mr. Sc. Donika Kamberi has expressed special thanks and appreciation for the figure of James Pettifer, as one of the most vocal historians of these times, where, among other things, she emphasized that: “The University of Tetova has always highly valued the intellectual contribution of figures of the caliber of James Pertifer. This lecture has a special importance, considering his contribution to bringing historical facts,his passion to present this episode of history is because for a long time researchers and historians have encountered an insurmountable limit, with which this constant intellectual preoccupation has been a challenge in itself”.

In his lecture, titled “Writing history after the Cold War”, James Pettifer has taken care to follow a logical line and coherence in the presentation of titles, characters and events that have portrayed this segment of history. With a comprehensive method and approach and with a fine analysis of the presentation of facts and clear messages about the path and orientation that the peoples of the Balkans should follow in the future.

At the end of the lecture, the Rector of the University of Tetova, Prof. Dr. Kushtrim Ahmeti, as a sign of gratitude and appreciation, gave the historian the precious figure of our national hero, George Castriot Scanderbeg