At the University of Tetova, the Macedonian-American Alumni Association presented the project aimed at encouraging volunteer activities, creating social networks and cooperation between students and professors. The idea of the project is to involve at least 500 students from different universities in relevant activities outside the learning process, the formation of four volunteer clubs in four public universities, which will participate at least 12 activities for socially useful work for a period of one year, encouraging the formation of clubs for extracurricular interests, engaging MAAA members as mentors, trainers and participants, facilitating cooperation between clubs, local leaders and non-governmental organizations, as well as building the campaign on social media at the national level – raising awareness among users of social networks about the benefits of joining the voluntary activities mentioned above.

Rector of UT, Prof. Dr. Kushtrim Ahmeti said that this is the first activity that we organize together, after signing the cooperation agreement with the Alumni Association, with the hope that we will have such activities in the future. “Today is the first activity that we carry out together and it is precisely about volunteering that is directly related to you as students. I believe that this will be a moment where you will reflect and continue the activities, which are related to voluntary work, and which will help you to benefit from complementary skills, but also to be active in the community. You as students and all of us must take into account the fact that we also have responsibilities towards the community, we must develop those social responsibilities and it is a very good moment of reflection”, said the Rector of UT, Prof. Dr. Kushtrim Ahmeti.

Prof. Dr. Bashkim Ziberi, member of the management board of the Macedonian-American Alumni Association, said that the purpose of this organization is the exchange of experiences regarding volunteerism and our engagement in society. “We all have responsibilities, starting from you as students and up to us who have a little more experience in this part, so we will all contribute to the good of society together. The Macedonian-American Alumni Association is an organization that consists of members who have been in various programs of the European Union.  I am an alumnus, I was in the Fulbright program of the American Government in Boston, USA, and if there has something that had impressed me, it is exactly the volunteerism of the American society”, said, among other things, Prof. Dr. Bashkim Ziberi.

Then, the president of MAAA, Verica Jordanova, briefly disclosed the developed activities of the association and the projects that are expected to be conducted in the future, while the presentation of the Macedonian-American Alumni Association project was made by the General Secretary, Irena Popovska.

In addition, Pranvera Kasami – ILPP also shared their volunteering experiences, Dan Robish from the Peace Corps, professor of the Faculty of Law, also Fullbright Alumni, Prof. Dr. Ali Musliu, as well as Ognen Janevski – Organizational Secretary of MAAA.