In the premises of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Tetova, on June 13, 2023, was opened the exhibition of students of Figurative Art, this activity has become a tradition and is organized at the end of each academic year. In this exhibition, students present their work and success achieved within a year, in painting, sculpture, graphics and graphic design. This day is a moment of celebration, which aims to bring this diverse mosaic of artistic study programs, by fulfilling their mission through student experiences.

Professor of the Faculty of Arts, Asst. PhD. Jëlldëz Asani said that the exhibition reflects the engagement of students in cooperation with their teachers. The works are selected and the best works are chosen from them, by representing each student in different mediums, such as painting, graphics, graphic design, photography and instillations or conceptual art. “The exhibition is presented as a journey through space and time where freedom and working styles are seen, as a presentation of the vision and development of artistic study programs, from the traditional to the contemporary or postmodern. Most of the works are seen as challenges that require us to take a position or attitude. Even more so when the developments of art today tend to clearly throw on the various challenges that we have to go through and overcome. Challenges must be challenged, so you, dear students, do not hesitate at any moment but always be in search, research of artistic processes until you create your artistic identity. Never stop reading and learning because knowledge is power. The road to further success does not end there. You will be artists who in the future will present the University, your country and your art in the field of arts and culture, in the establishment of identity and cultural and national values. These presentations that you will see today, generally present a freshness and a reflection, expressing a kind of optimism and hope for a better atmosphere and moment to fulfill the spiritual void”, said the professor of the Faculty of Arts, Asst. PhD. Jëlldëz Asani.

Meanwhile, the dean of the Faculty of Arts, Prof. Ord. Senat Abduli said that, today, in front of the students, he stands with an extremely big responsibility, since this activity is organized in front of the doors of an institution called University of Tetova, which according to him is a unique University.

“When I say unique, I mean that it is a University that carries energy from every pore of the Albanians of this country, starting from Struga and Kumanovo, from Albania and Kosovo. Dear students, I am privileged to be in front of you, but know that you also have this privilege, who were precisely students of this University, with this painful but very proud history. Feel confident, dear students, that your future will be bright precisely because you have had these professors, who will work for you with much effort and sacrifice, and of course you will carry this energy to the new generations tomorrow, and especially to your children”- said the professor Prof. Ord. Senat Abduli.

In the framework of this activity, were held many other activities, such as: the concert of students of the study program of Musical Art, musical performance, student films and ended with the theatrical performance on the stage of Dramatic and Audiovisual Arts.