A delegation from Dumlupinar University from the city of Kütahya in the Republic of Turkey attended the University of Tetova for a working visit. This delegation was expected by the Vice-Rector for Education, Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Neziri and his associates. In this meeting, it was discussed about the concretization of the signed preliminary agreement, according to which the parties have agreed to exchange relevant information of mutual interest, to participate in professional training, seminars, conferences, round tables and other activities, which are related to the strengthening of capacities and quality of services.

Also, this agreement foresees that the parties contribute to the development of appropriate programs for the needs of the users of the institutions’ services, mutually help each other with professional advice and share existing and important news for their field of activity and relevant groups.

The leaders of both universities estimated that the cooperation will help to improve partnership relations, in the organization of joint activities and the organization of other activities aimed at general well-being.