With a majority vote of the academic staff of 13 faculties, Prof. Dr. Jusuf Zejneli was elected Rector of the University of Tetova, for the next three-year term, 2023 – 2026. After receiving the results of today’s voting for the election of the Rector, submitted by the commissions of the academic units, the Central University Election Commission has checked and summarized the voting results for all units of the UT.

A total of 334 members of the teaching-scientific councils of the faculties had the right to vote. During the voting process, 302 voters used the right to vote, where the candidate Prof. Dr. Jusuf Zejneli received 260 votes, the candidate Prof. Dr. Bashkim Ziberi 14 votes, candidate Prof. Dr. Myqereme Rusi 1 vote, candidate Prof. Dr. Dervish Alimi 0 votes and 27 votes were invalid.

During the voting, the candidates for rector were evaluated according to the points obtained, including: Prof. Dr. Jusuf Zejneli, full professor at the Faculty of Law, has earned a total of 2307,215 points; Prof. Dr. Bashkim Ziberi, full professor at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, has earned a total of 89,337 points; Prof. Dr. Myqereme Rusi, full professor at the Faculty of Philosophy, has earned a total of 3,448 points and Prof. Dr. Dervish Alimi, full professor at the Faculty of Philology, has earned a total of 0 points.

In accordance with article 106, paragraph 9, of the Statute of the University of Tetova, for the next three-year term 2023-2026, the Rector of the University of Tetova has been elected the candidate Prof. Dr. Jusuf Zejneli, full professor at the Faculty of Law, who won the most points in this election process.