At the Faculty of Medical Sciences, the book “Urat e Bashkëpunimit” – Elementë historikë (1994-2022) by the renowned author from Albania, Xheladin Çeka, was promoted today. This book portrays the history of the establishment of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Tetovo, which is considered a crucial turning point in the political and cultural developments of the Albanians in North Macedonia.

In his speech addressed to the audience, the Dean of the Faculty of Medical Sciences, Prof. Dr. Vegim Zhaku, emphasized that it is an honor to promote the book “Urat e Bashkëpunimit” on the 15th anniversary of the establishment of the Faculty of Medicine. According to him, author Xheladin Çeka has steadfastly stood during certain periods as an unwavering and proud figure, with the sole purpose of educating the new generations of the Albanian population. He mentioned how, as a first-generation student in the midst of Tetovo’s vibrant life, in a not-so-favorable period as a student and the youth of this fragile country, he had the special privilege to benefit from this invaluable source of energy, wisdom, scientific viewpoints, and intellectual insights, not only in the field of Histology but also in life in general. The Dean expressed his anticipation for Professor Çeka’s lectures and acknowledged that books have always been gateways to other worlds. Today, they celebrate the birth of a new universe created from the written word about the historical elements of the founders of the University of Tetovo, the academic staff of the Faculty of Medicine, and the students. The book being promoted is not just a collection of pages and ink; it is a vessel of ideas, emotions, and resonates deeply with the experiences of individuals and idealists of the time. It holds the power of knowledge, experience, and enlightenment regarding the complexity of life and how the Faculty of Medicine and the University of Tetovo have been shaped, delving into the complexities of human emotions, triumphs, battles, and resilience that have determined their fate. It is a reflection that interprets humanism, reminding us that we have not been alone in our joys or sorrows, stated the Dean of the Faculty of Medical Sciences, Prof. Dr. Vegim Zhaku.

Professor Sadi Bexheti from the Faculty of Medical Sciences drew attention to the beginnings of the Faculty of Medical Sciences, the challenges, progress, and the role this academic unit has played over the years at the University of Tetovo and for the region as a whole. He highlighted the contributions of several educators in advancing and progressing this Faculty, which remains one of the main units for attracting new students and making vital contributions to society in our country.

The author of the book, Xheladin Çeka, expressed that this text aims to shed light from a different perspective on the history of the establishment and growth of the University of Tetovo, the first institution of higher education in the Albanian language in the Republic of North Macedonia. Primarily based on contemporary documentation, memories, and impressions of contemporaries and collaborators at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Tetovo, as well as the author’s reflections, the work begins with the historical message from the founding Rector of the University of Tetovo, Prof. Dr. Fadil Sulejmani, who states: “…The long-standing dream of our people, our education veterans, to have a university with instruction in the Albanian language is being realized. Today, the University of Tetovo has become a reality…”. The book provides a condensed form of the history of the establishment of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Tetovo, which is, in fact, the “core” of the history of the establishment of the University of Tetovo and is a crucial turning point in the political and cultural history of the Albanians in North Macedonia. The description is seen from the perspective of an Albanian educator from Tirana who has been part of this history for a long time, from its inception. This has resulted in the work having a special section describing the academic-scientific activities of all the leading staff: all the deans and rectors of the University of Tetovo, whom I have personally had the fortune to know. Meanwhile, being a classical professor of basic subjects such as Histology, Embryology, and Immunology, I have also highly appreciated the work of colleagues in the Anatomy and Histology subjects, bringing in personal experiences of collaboration,” said the author, Xheladin Çeka.

In this book, the author has made efforts to portray the most important moments of the establishment of the University of Tetovo, specifying the irreplaceable contribution of the ideator and founder of UT, Prof. Dr. Fadil Sulejmani, along with his colleagues in the Council for the Establishment of the University of Tetovo, who contributed to and supported this titanic endeavor.