At the University of Tetova, from August 28 to September 1, 2023, will take place the first enrollment term registration of students for the academic year 2023/24. Even this academic year, our university has made all preparations to welcome candidates who wish to pursue their studies at our university. All administration services will be engaged during the registration period to take care of the progress and facilitation of administrative procedures for candidates who will apply to various study programs.

For the academic year 2023/24, the University of Tetova will enroll new students in the 13 academic units it has. The Office of Education of the University of Tetova announces that, from the online applications, there is a great interest of candidates to register at our university. This office also appeals to all candidates, during the application process, to follow all the recommendations and instructions of the call of the University of Tetova, for the enrollment of new students in the first cycle of studies for the academic year 2023/ 24, by clicking on this link: