Through a solemn ceremony, today the University of Tetova officially started the new academic year 2023/2024. In the square of the Rectorate of the University, a significant number of new students, about two thousand, were welcomed by the leading staff of the University, who wished them success in the educational-scientific process.

Rector of the University of Tetova, Prof. Dr. Jusuf Zejneli welcomed the attendees. He initially expressed his condolences to the family Zenuni from the village of Çegran in the Municipality of Gostivar, for the loss of their son, Erion Zenuni, a first-year student at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Tetova, who passed away on Sunday evening in a traffic accident near the pay toll on the road Gostivar – Tetovo.

In the following of his speech, the Rector of the UT said that for students today is a day of new beginnings, a day filled with dreams, aspirations and endless possibilities. According to him, students have joined a community that values not only academic excellence, but also personal growth, diversity and inclusion. “Now, you make up a mosaic of different talents, cultures and backgrounds that enrich our academic environment. In the coming years you will also encounter challenges that will test your resolve, but remember that challenges are opportunities in disguise. Through them your character is forged and your potential is reached. The University of Tetova and our dedicated staff are here to guide and support you in this educational-scientific journey. We will not be just mentors, but partners in your quest for knowledge and wisdom. We will constantly strive to create a better educational environment for you and help you achieve your academic goals. The University of Tetova is a serious institution that offers excellent opportunities for the development of students. Through the wide range of study programs, infrastructure and resources, we will offer you numerous opportunities for professional development. Each of you brings a unique perspective and talent to our community. Your ideas, your passions and your voices are very important to us too. Become an active participant in various discussions, clubs and activities, which are organized in large numbers by the various faculties of our university. In this institution, you will have the opportunity to explore new interests, follow your passions and prepare for a bright future. This is a very important stage in your life and is a great opportunity for personal and professional growth and development”- said the Rector of the University of Tetova, Prof. Dr. Jusuf Zejneli.

The new academic year 2023/24 also started at the Faculty of Business Administration in Kumanovo, and in this academic unit of UT, the students were welcomed by the Vice-Rector for Finance, Prof. Dr. Faton Shabani and Dean, Prof. Dr. Llokman Habibi.

In the main ceremony that was held at the Rectorate of the UT, the was also present Deputy Minister of Education, Prof. Dr. Agim Nuhiu, who through his speech encouraged the students to give the best of themselves during their studies and to never be discouraged by any challenge, no matter how big it may be, but let them serve as motivation and additional energy to achieve one’s goals. Then he spoke about the cooperation that the Ministry of Education has with the University of Tetova. “Together with the leaders of the university, we consolidated the student dormitory as an institution, giving it the infrastructural profile and legal subjectivity. Its capacity is 300 beds. Today we started paying the student ratio. Throughout this month, we are waiting for applications for student scholarships, and from the academic staff, applications to support them in research-scientific projects. Dear professors, colleagues and my friends, for the last three years we increased the net salaries of professors in higher education by 30%, while in 2023 we increased the budget of the University of Tetova by 12%! We have predicted an increase in the budget for 2024 as well! Months ago, the Assembly of the Republic of North Macedonia, as the founder of state universities, signed a collective agreement with a state university of our country. I assure you with the responsibility and competence of a professor of law, of the Ministry of Education, that the new norms and criteria as part of the legal circulation will be implemented at the same time and for all state universities! According to this agreement, in 2024 and 2025, we will achieve a significant increase in the salaries of university employees, which will contribute to the better development of science and higher education, all in the interest of students and the state. Therefore, we will continue to be together in our efforts to increase the quality of higher education, for the internationalization of universities on a larger scale and to equip our students with competitive skills in the EU market and beyond” emphasized the Deputy Minister of Education, Prof. Dr. Agim Nuhiu.

At the end of this activity, as a symbolic sign, there were shared the indexes of new students by the Rector of the University of Tetova, Prof. Dr. Jusuf Zejneli, President of the Senate, Prof. Dr. Vullnet Ameti, Vice-Rector for Education, Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Neziri and Deputy Minister of Education, Prof. Dr. Dawn Nuhiu.