A delegation from the Republic of Turkey was received today at the University of Tetova by the Rector, Prof. Dr. Jusuf Zejenli. The delegation was headed by the Mayor of the Municipality of Keles- Turkey, Mehmet Keskin, in the company of Erdem DURGUT – Agricultural Engineer, Hamit AZGUN – Director from the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Ömer DOĞAN – Director of the Plant Production and Plant Health branch, the Coordinator of the Cultural Center of Kosovo in Bursa, Rexhep Gundus, as well as the Mayor of the Municipality of Tearca in North Macedonia, Nuhi Neziri.

In this meeting, initially the Rector of the University of Tetova, Prof. Dr. Jusuf Zejenli briefly informed the guests about the current developments at the University of Tetova, the journey that our institution has made over the years, the international cooperation, especially with the universities from Bursa, as well as the plans for the future.

Afterwards, the parties also discussed the possibilities of agricultural development in the region of Polog, through the Faculty of Agriculture and Biotechnology of the University of Tetova. While the Turkish representatives firstly gave some information about the development of agriculture in the city of Bursa, the level of development, the most developed activities around the cultivation of trees and vegetables, the mechanization they use to facilitate the work in agriculture, as well as the technological development in storage, storage and food processing. They also added that they have noticed that the Polog region has a favorable climate for the cultivation of some agricultural crops and based on this, they expressed their readiness for the possibility of concrete cooperation in the near future between the Faculty of Agriculture and Biotechnology of the University of Tetova. They also called for a part of the staff and students of this faculty to visit the city of Bursa.

While the Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture and Biotechnology, Asst. Dr. Bardhyl Limani said that the faculty he directs is one of the newest faculties established within the University of Tetova. According to him, this faculty needs development and cooperation with other institutions from abroad and that within the Erasmus plus program we already have cooperation with several universities from Turkey. He also showed that under the management of the Faculty of Agriculture and Biotechnology we have a 20-ha experimental field and elaborated on the state of agriculture in the Polog region. He said that cooperation with the Turkish side in the development of agriculture in Polog would be very productive by stimulating the population through various programs to engage as much as possible in the development of agriculture.