Rector of the University of Tetova, Prof. Dr. Jusuf Zejneli (on October 31, 2023), received in a working meeting, the Director of the Association for trade, services and production “Promedika”, Nikolla Veljanoski. The purpose of this meeting was the signing of the memorandum for cooperation between both parties, which aims to bring a long-term scientific, technical, educational and applied cooperation. All these forms of cooperation are intended to be conducted through joint projects of a research, development and scientific character, of cooperation in the educational process, by organizing visits, scientific and professional gatherings, trainings, the promotion of oral health through educational campaigns for public health, various forms of scientific help, research and technical assistance, consultations and expertise, organization of round tables, exchange of experiences, etc.

Also, during this meeting, an agreement for financial support of the best graduate students was signed, as well as financial support for two best graduate students from the study program general medicine of dental medicine and one best graduate student from study program for professional dental technician.

This cooperation was also welcomed by other representatives of the University of Tetova, participating in this meeting, the President of the Senate, Prof. Dr. Vullnet Ameti, Vice-Rector for International Relations, Prof. Dr. Salajdin Salihi, Dean of the Faculty of Medical Sciences, Prof. Dr. Nevzat Elezi, professor of the Faculty of Medical Sciences, Prof. Dr. Kenan Ferati, as well as the head of the Office for International Relations, Doc. Dr. Hatibe Deari – Zeqiri.