Dear friends,

It has been 115 years since the Albanian language adopted its unique and common alphabet for all Albanians. Naturally, considering how much has been written and published in our Albanian studies and historiography, we cannot help but allow ourselves the joy and everlasting grandeur brought by the historic year of the Alphabet Congress.

When we speak of one of the greatest events in our nation’s history, the Congress of the Albanian Alphabet, held in Bitola from November 14 to November 22, 1908, we are certainly overwhelmed by a sense of history and a particularly profound admiration.

Today, we bow before the work of the delegates who participated in the proceedings of the Congress of Manastir, such as Luigj Gurakuqi, Mit’hat Frasheri, Gjergj Fishta, Fehmi Zavalani, Ndre Mjeda, Gjergj Qeriazi, and other intellectuals who came from all parts of Albania and from Albanian colonies.

The importance of the Congress of Manastir is manifold, primarily for Albanian culture, for the scholarly and literary uplift of the language, but above all, for the development of national education.

Happy Alphabet Day!