The Faculty of Arts of the University of Tetova, on November 23, 2023, organized a festive concert for the special holiday of the American people, Thanksgiving Day. This cultural-artistic activity was also attended by the leaders of the University of Tetova, the President of the Senate, Prof. Dr. Vullnet Ameti, Vice-Rectors, deans, lecturers and students from the academic units of the UT. Also, in this concert participated Gazmend Ilazi, representative for international educational programs at the U.S. Embassy in the Republic of North Macedonia, Meanwhile, the special guest of this concert was the professor of the Fulbright program, the well-known artist David Bullman.

In his occasion speech, the Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Professor, Senad Abduli, thanked the attendees for their participation in this event dedicated to American friends. He stated that Thanksgiving is a special event when family and friends gather to share a meal and celebrate with each other, while today, as he pointed out, we have gathered as friends and family members to get to know this tradition, which we have enriched with the celebration concert.

In this cultural event, the students and professors of the study program of Musical Art and artists known as: Shkëlzen Baftjari, David Bullman, Melisa Loki, Diellon Mustafa, Lulesa Pajaziti, Doriana Selmani, Zule Saiti and Abdullah Xhaferi, performed an excellent artistic performance masterfully performing the points of the musical program.