At the University of Tetova, today was promoted the book “Letërsia popullore dhe personaliteti” by the author Prof. Dr. Nazmi Beqiri. In this event participated the President of the Senate, Prof. Dr. Vullnet Ameti, Vice-Rector for International Relations, Prof. Dr. Salajdin Salihi, deans, senators, professors, students and friends of the author.

Dean of the Faculty of Philology, Prof. Dr. Berton Sulejmani welcomed the publication of this book, emphasizing that the Faculty of Philology has always supported the publication of university texts, as is the case of the book we are promoting today. According to him, the Faculty of Philology, in addition to the basic work, teaching and scientific work that it is doing, also supports such initiatives, because relying on these university books, with the planned programs, namely for the subject of folk literature, this book will rather help students to enrich their library and have it in use forever.

The reviewer of the book, Prof. Dr. Emine Shabani said that the book of Prof. Dr. Nazmi Beqiri, entitled “Letërsia popullore dhe personaliteti” is a work of particular importance, which summarizes personality as the main element of a healthy society, the types of Albanian personalities over generations and centuries, narrated through folk songs, stories, legends. “Folklore has been and will remain, an artistic treasure for writers, linguists, ethnologists, anthropologists, archaeologists and the people themselves who preserve and cultivate it, for centuries. This folklore is a value that also attracted scientists from the non-Albanian world. The studies on the Albanians and their creativity, they did in difficult times for us and we are eternally grateful to the scientists: Johan Georg von Han, G. Majer, Dozoni, H. Pedersen, Edit Durham, M. Lamberc, Robert d’Angely, etc. The work is structured in five chapters. In the introduction, the author presents the values and the field of study of folklore, which has education as its main element. Then it starts with personality. In all these chapters, the author has raised the issue of popular literature, jealously defending that it is not only descriptive of the moment, within the norms and certain laws, which have been assigned the task of educating and teaching successive generations, until the creation, modeling of the leaders, the leaders of the country” – said, among other things, the reviewer of the book, Prof. Dr. Emine Shabani.

The Head of the Science Institute “Josif Bageri”, MSc. Ismet Jonuzi – Krosi, emphasized that in this book he was impressed by the personalities that the author described in the stages of the development of civilization from the lowest stages until today where we are. “Fortunately, they are mentioned, we say the legend Adem Jashari, but we also have a legend here, professor Fadil, the phenomenon of the appearance of professor Fadil and the University of Tetova. At that time, when there were efforts of the University initiative, he related it to the personality. At that time when the efforts of the University initiative were related to the personality. Although the book has 5 cycles, in the unwritten form there is also one cycle, that cycle is the University of Tetova and the personalities within it who have reflected on the processes where we are today, because we have told legends and stories and I believe that this is what we have today , the sixth cycle for the nation has a message, that this book will necessarily be translated into other languages because it is an overview of the shaping of the meaning of our lives in the lands where we live. ” – said the Director of the Science Institute “Josif Bageri”, MSc. Ismet Jonuzi.

The author of the book himself, Prof. Dr. Nazmi Beqiri in the introduction of the book points out that recently, popular speakers, talking about popular creations, say that these narratives from generation to generation have had not only that character of teaching. “During the analysis and detailed studies of popular creations, it turns out that the creations in question had the character of learning, but also of education, even educational excellence towards the highest human levels, namely “personifying professionalism”, using the modeling tool. The most convincing scientific argument is that, from the earliest popular creations that we have managed to have until our everyday life, it has been shown faith, generosity, tolerance, and even care for the family and the motherland. Without this function of creativity in question, many characters in these creations, which we call personalities here, starting from Costatin and Dorontinë to Fehmiu and Xhevë Ladrovci and Adem Jashari, would not have the same virtues, or completely the same, as then, as today.” – writes among other things, in the introduction of the book, the author Prof. Dr. Nazmi Beqiri.

In the conclusion of this book, it is said that the modeling of the personality leads to the beginnings of the Illyrian-Albanian civilization, where can be observed no major separation from the Pelasgian civilization. The examples taken for the model of personality creation in Albanians cannot be divided into civilizations, naming them as Pelasgian, Illyrian or Albanian personalities, because they are connected to each other by heart, through human spiritual elements. Therefore, the examples of personalities are divided into: mythical, legendary, historical, modern and contemporary period.