The Department of Special Education and Rehabilitation of the Faculty of Pedagogy of the University of Tetova, today through a manifestation marked the December 3 – the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. In order to mark this date in the most dignified way, the students and professors of this department in cooperation with the parallels with special needs of the elementary school “Liria” in Tetovo organized several activities with the aim of promoting rights, well-being and increasing awareness of the population on this category of society.

Rector of the University of Tetova, Prof. Dr. Jusuf Zejneli, at the opening of this event, said that the International Day of Persons with Disabilities is a very special day because it emphasizes the importance of inclusion and equality in our global community, which is marked by celebrating the resilience, strength and unique contributions of individuals with special disabilities.

“As we memorialize this day, let us reflect on the progress made in promoting access and removing barriers that prevent the full participation of persons with special disabilities in all aspects of society. It is imperative that we continue to advocate for equal opportunities, ensuring that everyone, regardless of ability, can fully engage in education, employment, health care and social activities. We must strive to provide them a world where not only physical barriers but also social attitudes and prejudices will be dissolved. As we reflect on this day, we must appreciate the strength with which these people that face the everyday life. Therefore, we must strive for a more inclusive society and respect diversity in all its forms.” – said the Rector of the UT, Prof. Dr. Jusuf Zejneli.

Dean of the Faculty Pedagogy of our University, Prof. Dr. Lulzim Memeti in his speech said that one of the demands of education today is the inclusiveness and education of children with special educational needs and their preparation to be equal, for an independent life and for functioning in society. “Unfortunately, people with special needs are still on the margins of society. Bearing in mind the need for the lack of staff for children with special educational needs, in 2013 we accredited the study program of Special Education and Rehabilitation, this program which aroused great interest among the high school graduates, especially among those with excellent success who unsuspectingly enrolled in this study program. Today, we see the results of this study program in the army of special educators and rehabilitators who contribute to the treatment of children with special educational needs in primary and secondary schools, in state and private institutions, as well as in various non-governmental organizations. whose founders are precisely our former students.” – emphasized Prof. Dr. Lulzim Mehmeti.

In the manifestation dedicated to December 3 – the Day of Persons with Special Disabilities, was marked also the 10th anniversary of the opening of the Department of Special Education and Rehabilitation at the Faculty of Pedagogy of the UT. The Head of this department, Prof. Dr. Buniamin Memedi said that 10 years ago the first 33 students were enrolled in the study program of Special Education and Rehabilitation, and 3 years ago we enrolled 21 students in the first generation of students in postgraduate studies in three programs. “This anniversary, we enrolled 17 students in the new study program of Logopedics. We contributed to the professional development of students and academic staff. Today in the department we have 4 Albanian PhD and one Macedonian. All the assistants have a master’s degree, while 3 of them are in the third cycle of studies. Now, after 10 years of accreditation of our study program, we have over than 200 special educators and graduate rehabilitators. In 27 schools of the country, there were employed 27 professional collaborators, special educators and rehabilitators, who have achieved high professional competences to face the challenges of problems, difficulties, obstacles, injuries and even autism spectrum disorders. 31 are employed as educational assistants, 34 employed in NGOs, 1 employed in Germany and 1 in Switzerland.” – said Prof. Dr. Buniamin Memedi.

In honor of this day, was held a workshop with topic “Effective strategies for supporting students with special needs in the classroom” by Fidan Nuhiu. This workshop was very fruitful and was emphasized the value of the class as a family, where everyone is equal. Discussions included the role of the teacher, assistant and professional associates. The focus was on students with intellectual disabilities, autism, learning difficulties, especially dyslexia, and were presented appropriate strategies to improve the approach to these challenges.

The participants in this workshop were very satisfied and at the end they were also provided with certificates from the Faculty Pedagogy for their participation and contribution in this very important pedagogical session.