The University of Tetova has commenced educational and scientific activities as part of the agenda to mark the 29th anniversary of its founding. Today, precisely in the “Sevasti and Parashqevi Qiriazi” amphitheater, in the presence of university leadership, a ceremony was held to award scholarships to 77 excellent students from all academic units. The leaders of the University of Tetova acknowledged that students, as the most representative generation of society, have been and will continue to be the hope for change, progress, and the advancement of educational, scientific, cultural, and even political processes. In his address to the scholarship recipients and their parents, Rector Prof. Dr. Jusuf Zejneli emphasized that the strength of students comes from knowledge, and their knowledge strengthens an entire society.

“Universities are considered consolidated only when students feel fulfilled in their purpose and when their professional achievements surpass the confines of our faculties’ lecture halls. Now, everyone knows that the University of Tetova represents an educational and scientific center where hundreds of activities are successfully developed and realized. However, the awarding of scholarships to the excellent students undoubtedly holds its deserved place and, as such, represents one of our joint successes. On this occasion, on behalf of myself and the University, to the deans of the faculties, professors, students, and administrative staff, I extend my congratulations for this event that we are organizing today, as one of the most special occasions in the overall activities of the University of Tetova!” – declared the Rector of UT. He further emphasized that awarding scholarships to distinguished students is concrete evidence that our university is identified as an institution of knowledge competition and opportunities.

“In accordance with the Law on Higher Education, the University Statute, and the decision of the Senate approved by the Rector, today we will award university scholarships to 77 students of the first cycle in the academic year 2023/2024. On this occasion, as the Rector of the University of Tetova, I congratulate our excellent students who have met the required educational criteria and have earned university scholarships based on their work, ability, and merit. At the same time, I express gratitude for the contribution they make and the honor they bring to the University of Tetova,” said Rector Prof. Dr. Jusuf Zejneli in his speech. At the conclusion of this activity, the university leaders pledged to continue working in the future to advance the teaching and scientific process, strengthen university capacities, and meet the demands and challenges faced by the contemporary world.