Rector of the University of Tetova, Prof. Dr. Jusuf Zejneli, on February 12, 2024, together with the Vice-Rector for International Relations, Prof. Dr. Salajdin Salihi and other collaborators welcomed the Head of the Office of the International Organization for Migration in North Macedonia, Mrs. Sonja Bozhinovska Petrushevska, accompanied by the consultant Mrs. Verica Janeska and the coordinator of the IOM program (International Organization for Migration) Erda Qazimi Beqiri.

The topic of discussion of this meeting was the creation of conditions for cooperation for the implementation of a project between the University of Tetova and the International Organization for Migration through various study programs of academic units, in particular those which are of common interest to the two institutions.

Through this cooperation, the International Organization for Migration will undertake to bring to our University professors and experts who work in different countries of the world.

Rector of the University of Tetova, Prof. Dr. Jusuf Zejneli expressed his willingness to make available all personnel capacities to design a platform that will serve the implementation of the aforementioned goals, in accordance with the needs of the University of Tetova and the International Organization for Migration.