The University of Tetova and the Scientific Institute of Tobacco in Prilep have signed a memorandum of cooperation. This memorandum will be implemented through the Faculty of Agriculture and Biotechnology at the University of Tetova and the mentioned institute.

The signatories of this agreement, Rector Prof. Dr. Jusuf Zejneli and the director of the Scientific Institute of Tobacco, Prof. Dr. Valentina Pelivanovska, agreed that between the parties there will be an exchange of technical information, scientific literature, and experiences in the field of research-scientific work, also agreed to establish professional-scientific collaboration in the areas of hydrobiology, genetics, soil pollution, plant materials, and water for irrigation, as well as research in the fields of providing natural healthy food and other scientific areas.

This cooperation, among other things, includes the exchange of scientists and experts; coordination and implementation of joint research on agreed-upon topics; use of equipment in respective laboratories; positions of scientific staff in the relevant laboratories of both institutions; inter-laboratory comparisons; creation of joint research-scientific projects; the opportunity for joint presentations by scientists from both institutions at consultations, symposiums, and other events; publication of special or periodic publications related to common interests or activities; organization of congresses, symposiums, seminars, workshops, and other scientific and professional meetings on topics of common interest, as well as many other activities related to agriculture and biotechnology.

In the meeting held by the Rector of UT Prof. Dr. Jusuf Zejneli with the director of the Institute Prof. Dr. Valentina Pelivanovska, Vice-Rector for International Cooperation Prof. Dr. Salajdin Salihi, the head of the Office for International Cooperation Doc. Dr. Hatibe Deari-Zeqiri, dean of the Faculty of Agriculture and Biotechnology Prof. Dr. Bardhyl Limani, the professor of this faculty Doc. Dr. Zejnedije Ademi and Valmisa Novi – the head of the Rector’s cabinet.