At the UT today was held the Annual Doctoral Conference. This conference is organized in accordance with the structure of studies, as well as with the Regulation on the conditions, criteria, rules of enrollment and study in the third cycle of studies. The conference is held in order for the mentors and members of the commissions in the relevant faculties to convey the work and achievements of the candidates so far in the scientific – research field.

The relevant commissions were represented by Prof. Dr. Vullnet Ameti, as a member of the university committee for doctoral studies, while from the Faculty of Pedagogy, Prof. Dr. Lulzim Mehmedi and Prof. Dr. Fadbi Osmani; from the Faculty of Economics Prof. Dr. Brikend Aziri, Prof. Dr. Raman Ismaili; from the Faculty of Philosophy, Prof. Dr. Ibish Kadriu, Prof. Dr. Abdylnaser Sinani, Prof. Dr. Metush Sulejmani, Prof. Dr. Metin Izeti, Prof. Dr. Ziber Lata and Asst.Prof. Dr. Zejni Mazllami, who followed the academic achievements of doctoral students of the aforementioned faculties.

During this conference, the commissions made up of members of the University Council of Doctoral Studies, mentors and professors of scientific fields, evaluated the public presentations of the candidates for the work done so far and simultaneously forwarded the suggestions to the candidates until the full finalization of the doctoral dissertation.