At the University of Tetova was promoted the book “Arti popullor në veshjet shqiptare në Maqedoninë e Veriut” by the author Zejna Halimi. In the preface of this publication, it is stated that this book undertakes to analyze the artistic structures and aesthetic expression of traditional costumes and textiles, which were used in the Albanian part of North Macedonia. The idea emerged from the observation that the collected material is interesting, both in terms of diversity and when compared nationally. The material, collected out of passion for both material and spiritual heritage, dates back to the beginning of the 20th century. It has been carefully and respectfully preserved by families and collectors who value its cultural significance.

Professor Fatmir Sulejmani, from the Faculty of Philology, emphasized that this book enriches our understanding of past values. In today’s dynamic life, preserving these values is challenging without books that illuminate treasures such as traditional clothing. These garments, inherited from distant antiquity, hold a special place as powerful cultural manifestations and traditions of our nation. “Traditional folk or national costumes express the identity of ethnic groups in various regions and time periods within a country. Once everyday attire, these costumes in our country, like elsewhere, are now reserved for holidays and special events. They hold significant value, even among knowledgeable individuals both domestically and internationally”, – said the professor of the Faculty of Philology, Prof. Dr. Fatmir Sulejmani.

The editor of the book, Prof. Dr. Izaim Murtezani said that this book represents an important element of our identity, because it contains many elements that talk about how that identity was shaped, namely, who were its features, especially in terms of culture, where a special place occupies popular clothing. “The book we are talking about is a book which presents a synthesis of all the Albanian clothing in Macedonia and in this context the clothing of the Reka area is especially highlighted, which then created other variations”, – said among other things the editor emphasized of the book, Prof. Dr. Izaim Murtezani.

The author of the book, Zejna Halimi, said that the inspiration for this book dates back to 1995, when the author was a member of the professional jury of the “Sharri këndon” Festival, where she was amazed by the national costumes of the protagonists. I was fortunate to be surrounded by people who were eager to assist. They were keen on showcasing our cultural society, particularly through folk clothing, by means of a book, leaving behind a legacy for young people to learn about our clothing. Considering that folk clothing is made of textiles, it is very difficult to preserve and collect it, but it was even more difficult to go to the field and collect this material, starting in Sharr Mountain, Tetovo, Gostivar, Upper Reka, Debar, Struga, Kîçovo, Prilep, Malin e Thatë, Saraj, Patishkali and in the Municipality of Veles. It was not an easy journey, but I thank everyone who helped me to publish this book, starting with my family, society and the staff of the University of Tetova.”, – said the author of the book Zejna Halimi.

Then the author illustrated the pictures of the traditional clothes that the book itself contains, explaining in detail about them and the characteristics of all the above-mentioned provinces. About the book “Arti popullor në veshjet shqiptare në Maqedoninë e Veriut” spoke the reviewers of the book, the professor of the Faculty of Arts, Prof. Dr. Jëlldëz Asani and the professor of the Faculty of Philosophy, Prof. Dr. Hiriet Ziberi.