Rector Prof. Dr. Jusuf Zejneli took part in the Scientific Conference on the topic “The Role of Albanian Schools in Preserving National Identity and Emancipation.” The conference was organized by the League of Albanian Teachers and Parents “Naim Frashëri” in Aargau, Switzerland. In this conference, attended by the Minister of Education, Science, Technology, and Innovation of the Republic of Kosovo, representatives of the Academy of Sciences and Arts of the Republic of Kosovo, activists of the national issues, embassy representatives, and representatives of the broader political life, Rector of the University of Tetova, Prof. Dr. Jusuf Zejneli emphasized in his speech that the patriotic activity of Albanians in the diaspora is best represented today by Albanian schools with dignity.

Teachers, patriots, nationalists, unwavering supporters of national education and culture, parents, and students are making an extraordinary contribution to preserving the Albanian language, honoring prominent figures of the Albanian nation, cultivating our national traditions, and maintaining an unbroken spiritual and material connection with the homeland. Albanian language schools in the diaspora are the foundation of our historical continuity, which up to now have been established with the support of associations with a limited number of students. The efforts of teachers, parents, and contributors to Albanian education in the diaspora must be complemented by state assistance, therefore, our countries should increase the budget for the diaspora, strengthen ties with Albanians abroad, and unconditionally support Albanian education. “The support and establishment of Albanian schools represent a better opportunity for integration, or even reintegration in the case of migrants returning to their homeland. There are many Albanian children who have left at a very young age or who were born in these countries, so the second generation is growing. For this reason, teaching Albanian language, history, and geography of Albanian lands, as well as cultural heritage, are considered as the foundation for strengthening Albanian national identity,” said Rector of the University of Tetova, Prof. Dr. Jusuf Zejneli.

During his speech, the Rector recalled once again the message of the famous writer and politician Mit’hat Frasheri that “The foundation of knowledge and patriotism is the Albanian language.” The desire and dedication of migrants to learning Albanian are sacred. For Albanians in the diaspora, as Eqrem Çabej once said, “Language is the most precious asset of a people, and for the Albanian people, it is the only treasure.”

LATP continuously organizes scientific conferences, panel discussions, debates, with the aim of raising awareness and disseminating information about the Albanian population in the diaspora regarding the organization of teaching in the Albanian language.