The Department of Albanian Language and Literature of the Faculty of Philology of the University of Tetova has marked World Poetry Day through a literary class.

This department has always attached importance to the days that mark the events related to the book, poetry and literature in general.

The manifestation was declared open by the Head of the Department of Albanian Language and Literature, MA. Nertila Sinani. She said that poetry, often described as the language of the soul, transcends the boundaries of culture, language and time. It is a universal language, touching the hearts of people around the globe. Today, we have gathered to honor the poets who, throughout history, have given us their words, thoughts, and truths. Poetry has the power to evoke emotions we never knew existed, ignite revolutions, and heal wounds that seem incurable. As educators, especially those in the field of literature, it is up to us to recognize and nurture this power in our students. Within the halls of our institution, we do not only impart theoretical knowledge on language and literature; while simultaneously nurturing creativity and artistic expression. It is a privilege and a duty to instill in our students a deep love for the nation, the language, and the arts, including poetry”- said MA. Nertila Sinani.

About the importance of organizing the literary hour, MA. Kaltrina Sadiki emphasized that the aim of this literary class is to maintain an informal, relaxed atmosphere that fosters inspiration. “Today, through this literary class, we would like to convey to you the powerful emotion of poetry that moves man and his world. We will explore new perspectives on tomorrow, the future, and what is worth remembering and cherishing. Through poetry as a weapon, we will try to alleviate your small, everyday worries and fill you with hope and dreams for a more beautiful tomorrow. Scholars, poets, dramatists, and well-known philosophers have spoken about poetry and the power it has to inspire and touch the human soul from antiquity to today. It has been hailed as the queen of literature and embraced as the queen of the hearts of passionate readers” – emphasized MA. Kaltrina Sadiki.

In this literary class, the students of the Department of Albanian Language and Literature, including Egzona Misimi, Sibora Hoxha, Fatjona Karpuzi, Altina Sulejmani, Altina Ibrahimi, Lina Bulica, and Ezana Qamili, interpreted poems by authors such as Xhevahir Spahiu, Marta Rivera Garido, Ismail Kadare, Azem Shkreli, Bardhyl Londo, Petrit Ruka, and Murtezan Arifi.