On the occasion of World Health Day, the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the University of Tetova today organized a panel discussion with the motto “My health, my right”. This day is of particular importance because it raises awareness of global health issues and serves as a platform to advocate for policies and practices that promote health and well-being for all, globally.

Rector of the University of Tetova, Prof. Dr. Jusuf Zejneli said that this organization coincides with the 30th anniversary of the foundation of our institution. “We hope that this panel will promote values, but at the same time it will also show the fact that we, as a public institution of higher education, as the University of Tetova, in addition to the fact that we have the process of lectures, exercises, the scientific aspect of research, publishing activity, at the same time the University of Tetova has always taken and will take responsibility in the future to contribute to social developments in the country and, in this case, contributing additionally to the health of our citizens” – said the Rector of the University of Tetova, Prof. Dr. Jusuf Zejneli.

Minister of Health, Dr. Ilir Demiri, in his speech, identified in detail the problems encountered in the Clinical Hospital of Tetova and in the Ministry of Health and revealed the solution to these obstacles so that the health system functions in the best possible way, stressing that all together, with hard work and punctuality we can progress a lot as a society.

Vice-Dean for Science at the Faculty of Medical Sciences and at the same time the organizer of this activity, Prof. Dr. Arbresha Bexheti-Ferati emphasized that this panel discussion with a scientific character is even more important due to the fact that it is carried out under the logo of the activities to mark the 30th anniversary of the foundation of the University of Tetova. “On this anniversary of the World Health Day and in this jubilee year, if we speak with medical terminology, we can freely say that UT is a healthy, modern and dynamic institution, with dedicated leadership to develop academic excellence and to fulfill the vision for a dignified university. “On this anniversary of the World Health Day and in this jubilee year, if we speak with medical terminology, we can freely say that UT is a healthy, modern and dynamic institution, with dedicated leadership to develop academic excellence and to fulfill the vision for a dignified university. The Faculty of Medicine, several times in a row, marks the World Health Day, taking care to bring mottos, diverse and current topics for the global challenges that humanity was and is facing every year. The fact that such events, with specific problems are discussed in our auditoriums, proves that we as a faculty possess the professional capacities to be involved and to reveal ideas, thoughts, why not also offer scientific expertise” – said among them other Vice-Dean for Science at the Faculty of Medical Sciences Prof. Dr. Arbresha Bexheti- Ferati.

Following this activity, the panelists presented their works based on the topic: “The importance of health as a basic human right”. Initially, the dean of the Faculty of Medical Sciences, Prof. Dr. Nevzat Elezi elaborated the topic: “Access to health services”, then Prof. Dr. Lindihana Emini presented the topic: “Oral health rights: basics, importance and perspectives”, Asst. Prof. Dr. Drita Havziu presented the topic: “Exposure to carcinogenic and preventive substances”, Asst. Prof. Dr. Sheruze Osmani-Ballazhi focused on the topic: “Mental health: challenge of contemporary times” and MSc. Valbona Kadriu spoke on the topic: “The real food pyramid of young people and the consequences”.