The Rector of the University of Tetova, Prof. Dr. Jusuf Zejneli, and the Dean of the Faculty of Medical Sciences, Prof. Dr. Nevzat Elezi, today welcomed the medical director of the Carl-von-Basedow Hospital Saalekreis in the city of Merseburg, Germany, along with the first doctor of this hospital, Dr. Arton Grajqevci, for a working meeting.

During this meeting, discussions were held regarding the establishment of a cooperation agreement between the two institutions, namely the Faculty of Medical Sciences and the Carl von Basedow Hospital in Merseburg, Germany.
Rector Prof. Dr. Jusuf Zejneli thanked Prof. MD. Alexander Schutte and Dr. Arton Grajqevci for their visit and their willingness to assist the Faculty of Medical Sciences of our University.

Within the framework of collaborations, we have with various local and international institutions, as part of the activities commemorating the 30th anniversary of the founding of the University of Tetova, today we held a business meeting with the medical director of the Carl von Basedow Klinikum Saalekreis Hospital in the city of Merseburg, Germany, Dr. Med. Alexander Schutte, and the first doctor of this hospital, Dr. Arton Grajqevci. The meeting was initiated thanks to the engagement of our country’s ambassador to Germany, Prof. Dr. Ylber Sela, and aims to create a real cooperation between the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the University of Tetova and the Merseburg Hospital. Together, we will work towards deepening this cooperation into concrete matters. Alongside the director, we will facilitate the procedures, while the key points of cooperation will be outlined by the Faculty of Medical Sciences and the Merseburg Hospital. This is very important for us as a university, as it will provide our students and staff with the opportunity to make study visits to this hospital and benefit from the experiences of German doctors because all of this would be a great assistance in the professional preparation of our staff and in gaining new knowledge from the fields of medicine,” said Rector Prof. Dr. Jusuf Zejneli.

Prof. Med. Alexander Schutte, the medical director at the Carl von Basedow Klinikum Saalekreis Hospital, expressed his and the hospital’s willingness to help the students and academic staff of the Faculty of Medical Sciences at UT. “Our presence here is thanks to our common Albanian colleague with whom we collaborate there, Dr. Arton Grajqevci. He was the connecting bridge to establish communication contacts between the University of Tetova with the Rectorate, and our hospital, Carl-von-Basedow-Klinikum Saalekreis gGmbH – Standort located in Merseburg, Germany. I hope that through this communication that we are conducting today, we will explore opportunities to help your University, specifically the Faculty of Medical Sciences, in the future. I hope that the future will bring us even closer in fruitful collaborations, especially in sharing our experiences and the visits that your staff and students can undertake to our hospital clinics,” said Dr. Med. Alexander Schutte, the director.

At this meeting, the dean of the Faculty of Medical Sciences stated that it is very important for the faculty he leads to realize practical training in both the pre-clinical and clinical areas. If the hospital, whose representatives visited UT, is able to contribute, this would be a great motivation for our students who would benefit greatly in terms of their professional development.