The study program Figurative Art of the Faculty of Arts at UT celebrated April 15 – World Art Day, through the organization of a workshop with high school students from the city of Tetovo. This date, proclaimed by the General Assembly of the International Art Association, is celebrated worldwide as it coincides with the birthday of the great painter Leonardo Da Vinci. It was first observed in 2012, where over 150 artists from various countries performed in different fields of art.

The Dean of the Faculty of Arts at UT, Prof. Dr. Senad Abduli, described this activity as highly significant because it allows high school seniors to become familiar with the Faculty of Arts and the artistic work of our students and professors. “On this 30th anniversary, we reveal our offer as a university with exceptional values, with highly trained academic staff, with the conditions we provide so that these young people can see an opportunity for themselves, and it should be known that the determination of the nation-state’s formation lies in cultural institutions, and we are the ones who supply these institutions with professional cadres. Therefore, we invite all young people, high school seniors wherever they are, to join us in this jubilee year and gain knowledge in this temple that we have created with much effort and sacrifice,” emphasized Prof. Dr. Senad Abduli.

Speaking about the importance of marking this day and organizing the student workshop, the Vice Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Prof. Dr. Jëlldëz Asani, emphasized that the main goal is to reveal the artistic work that Figurative Art students have been doing over the years. “As a Faculty of Art, we found it reasonable to join in commemorating this day through a workshop organized with our students because we truly have many talented artist-students who demonstrate their acquired experience during their studies in this activity. We are witnesses here, seeing through their work the artistic journey they have made over the years of study. Our university is promoting academic offerings for high school seniors this month, and today we also have graduates from different schools who are visitors to this workshop and have the opportunity to learn more about the study programs of our faculty” expressed Prof. Dr. Jëlldëz Asani.