The Faculty of Physical Education of the University of Tetova, in cooperation with the US Embassy in our country, with the American Corner of Tetova, with the Rugby Federation and with the support of the Fullbright program, on May 18, 2024, organized the first rugby tournament in the city of Tetovo.

This activity was initiated by rugby coach Dan Nyamangah from San Diego, California. He has been in our country for a long time, and for the past six months, he has presented the sport of rugby to primary and secondary school students while also organizing professional training for rugby fans.

Many teams from primary and secondary schools in the city of Tetova participated in the tournament organized at the sports grounds of the Faculty of Physical Education at the University of Tetova. In addition to the help and instructions they received from rugby coach Dan Nyamangah, all the teams also had the support of the professors from the Faculty of Physical Education at the University of Tetova.

After the tournament, the initiator of this sports activity, coach Dan Nyamangah, thanked all the young athletes for their dedication to learning the sport of rugby. He also distributed medals and certificates to recognize their participation in the tournament. Additionally, he expressed his gratitude to the Dean of the Faculty of Physical Education at the University of Tetova for her support and organization of the event, along with her staff and other collaborators.