At the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Tetova, the book dedicated to the distinguished professor and activist from Kosovo, Ukshin Hoti, titled “The Regional, Philosophical, and Scientific Code for Solving the Albanian Issue,” was promoted. This book contains the original writings of Ukshin Hoti, which have been collected and published by his fellow activist, Halil Kuliqi.

The Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy, Prof. Dr. Ibish Kadriu, spoke about the two dimensions of Professor Ukshin Hoti: the first being his practical approach to politics, and the second being his research-scientific or theoretical dimension. “Professor Ukshin Hoti builds his figure by merging his personality as a charismatic and straightforward politician on one hand, with that of a contemporary scholar of political philosophy on the other,” he said. He encapsulated his character with a practical political approach in the phrase, “do it or die,” which indicates that Professor Hoti was willing and did sacrifice his life for the ideal of freedom. On the other hand, Ukshin Hoti’s scientific work is also very prolific. Ukshin Hoti was among the first to deeply investigate the relations between Albanians and the great powers of the time, as well as the relationship between Albanians and the international factor. Now, we all agree that it was Ukshin Hoti who guided the Albanian nation towards friendship with Europe and the USA. With his ideas, Professor Ukshin Hoti paved the way for all Albanians in the institutional concept. In short, our initial reconnection with Europe and the USA, both in idea and action, was Ukshin Hoti himself,” stated the Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy, Prof. Dr. Ibish Kadriu.

In continuation of his speech, the dean emphasized that Ukshin Hoti’s studies are valuable and highly scientific, with a simple and clear style, making a comprehensive analysis impossible no matter how extensive. “I want to highlight the fundamental aspect of Professor Ukshin Hoti, who was more than a political philosopher and a philosophical politician. ‘The timely truth is science,’ he says, therefore, such an understanding of politics as intellect or science in the service of specific interests relies on the function of politics as a science from the beginning of its establishment,” said the dean.

Politics was connected to the relationship between humans and nature, with their efforts to control nature, and if we all naturally feel Albanian, we can say that Ukshin Hoti recognized and expressed our Albanian nature as we are, not as others want and see us,” said the Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy, Prof. Dr. Ibish Kadriu, among other things.

Author Halil Kuliqi thanked the University of Tetova for the opportunity given and all those who collaborated with him to have these writings published. He then highlighted some important points from the book’s preface. “In these writings penned by his hand, everything is said: international politics, national politics, love for the homeland, love for his children, pain, suffering, maltreatment, hatred, poverty, sorrow, despair, conversations, gatherings, threats, disrespect, the unresolved issue of Kosovo, the unresolved fate of his children, and everything he experienced in his life, from birth until he was imprisoned by the Titoist political ‘class,’ including intellectuals, religious figures, villagers, and even his relatives in Kruja,” he said..

Meanwhile, Prof. Dr. Abdylnaser Sinani and Prof. Dr. Isak Sherifi spoke about Ukshin Hoti’s academic and political activity.