Rector of the University of Tetova Prof. Dr. Jusuf Zejneli accompanied by the dean of the Faculty of Arts Professor, Senad Abduli, received in a meeting the professors of the Fulbright program, David Bullman and Trevor Hamilton, as well as the Peace Corps volunteer, Dan Robish.

During this meeting, the Rector thanked the professors for their contribution to the University of Tetova, adding that this institution will always be open for similar collaborations. The professors of the Fulbright program and the Peace Corps volunteer expressed their gratitude for their stay at the University of Tetova and for the excellent cooperation that they develop with the University leaders, professors and students.

At the end of this meeting, Rector Prof. Dr. Jusuf Zejneli bestowed gratitude to the professors of the Fulbright program, Mr. Trevor Hamilton Mr. David Bullman and Mr. Dan Robish for the contribution to the international affirmation of UT and the training of the academic staff.

Among other things, Rector of the UT, Prof. Dr. Jusuf Zejneli said that their professionalism, experience and dedication have significantly advanced the capacity and effectiveness of the educational-scientific activity.