On July 6, 2024, at the Religious and Social Services Facility of the Muftiate of Tetovo were promoted books, monographs, and brochures published by this Mufti. This promotion was attended by personalities from the religious, academic, cultural, and social life, including the President of the UT Senate, Prof. Dr. Vullnet Ameti, and the Vice-Rector for International Relations, Prof. Dr. Salajdin Salihi.

One of the publications that was promoted by the Muftiate of Tetovo was the monograph titled: “Bashkëpunimi i Myftinisë së Tetovës me Universitetin e Tetovës” – “Cooperation of the Muftiate of Tetovo with the University of Tetova”. On this occasion, the Mufti of Tetovo, Prof. Dr. Qani Nesimi, in his speech to the attendees, thanked for participating in this promotion and briefly presented the activities of the Muftiate of Tetovo. He also thanked the President of the Senate of the University of Tetova, Prof. Dr. Vullnet Ameti for the cooperation shown in the organization of the joint manifestations of these two very important institutions.

The monograph “Bashkëpunimi i Myftinisë së Tetovës me Universitetin e Tetovës” contains activities that the Muftiate of Tetovo started from 2015 to 2024. These activities were carried out in cooperation with the University of Tetova, enabling believers to enjoy the benefits of religion and important religious and national dates in general, and Ramadan in particular. On this occasion, it was noted that this cooperation took on an official character at the time of Prof. Dr. Qani Nesimi election as the Mufti of Tetovo on February 16, 2015. It is important to emphasize the significant contribution of the University of Tetova, specifically its staff and leadership, particularly the visionary and idealistic Rector of the UT, Prof. Dr. Vullnet Ameti, who unreservedly supported this cooperation to positively influence the population’s national and religious development.

As a sign of gratitude and respect for the mutual cooperation between the two institutions, the Mufti of Tetovo Prof. Dr. Qani Nesimi to the President of the Senate of the UT bestowed a plaque, a picture and the monograph “Bashkëpunimi i Myftinisë së Tetovës me Universitetin e Tetovës (2015-2023)”.

The President of the Senate, in his speech, thanked Mufti Prof. Dr. Qani Nesimi for the cooperation shown so far, adding that this tradition should be preserved and continued in the future with the aim of affirming our shared cultural, educational, and religious values.