The Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics of the University of Tetova today signed a cooperation agreement with the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the University of Pristina and the higher professional school “Cacttus”.

The aforementioned memorandums include joint research projects and pilot projects; Exchange of research staff and teachers; Student exchange; Organization of seminars, conferences, joint workshops and similar; Exchange of scientific publications and other materials for research and educational purposes; The use of joint laboratories for scientific research and doctoral studies as well as cooperation in co-authorship of scientific papers.

This meeting was attended by the Vice-Rector for Science, Prof.Dr. Agon Memeti, Dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics-, Prof. Dr. Alit Ibraimi, Vice-Rector for International Relations, Prof. Dr. Salajdin Salihu, Vice-Rector for Finance, Prof.Dr. Aida Yzeiri – Baftjari, Vice-Rector for Education, Prof.Dr. Ibrahim Neziri, Vice-Dean for Science of FNSM, Prof.Dr. Florinda Muhaxheri – Imeri, Head of the Study Program – Informatics, Prof.Dr. Florim Idrizi, head of the Office for International Cooperation, Asst. Prof. Dr. Hatibe Deari – Zeqiri, Dean of the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Prishtina, Prof.Dr. Isak Shabani, professors of the same faculty, Prof.Ass.Dr. Dhuratë Hyseni and Prof.Ass.Dr. Nora Sadiku – Dushi as well as the Director of the higher professional school “Cacttus”, Vildane Kelmendi.

After the signing of the memorandums, the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics on the campus of the University of Tetova marked the International Day of Programmers. Former students of Computer Science who are already working in well-known local and international companies were invited to this event. This activity was welcomed by the Vice-Dean for science at FNSM Prof. Dr. Florinda Imeri. She said that in UT’s jubilee year, the 30th anniversary of its foundation, as we gather to celebrate the “International Day of Programmers”, we honor not only the technological achievements of our time, but also the extraordinary individuals behind these innovations.

In front of the participants in this activity, former students, namely alumni of this study program presented their success stories, achievements and experiences gained in prestigious companies.