At the University of Tetova, in the hall of the Faculty of Arts, the monograph dedicated to the pioneer of choral conducting in North Macedonia, Prof. Dr. Arifikmet Xhemaili, authored by Prof. Besiana Mehmedi, was promoted. The event was attended by the Rector of the University of Tetova, Prof. Dr. Jusuf Zejneli, the President of the Senate, Prof. Dr. Vullnet Ameti, well-known figures from the fields of education, science, art, and culture, as well as leaders of institutions in our country.

The editor of this monograph, the distinguished professor from Albania, Dr. Zhani Ciko, congratulated the attendees at this event, who, according to him, came to honor the hero of this celebration and, on the other hand, also receive their own honors. ‘One must honor in order to be honored. In this regard, one of the important protagonists is Professor Besiana Mehmedi. What Professor Arifikmet has created, the next generations will carry forward, and these young people who have come here today will surely produce another personality, a cultural activist, which is very important. This celebration is a plural and diverse celebration because, we also celebrate the 70th birthday, a good age, a promising age for many tasks that Professor Arifikmet will surely solve, today and beyond. On the other hand, by happening today, when the University of Tetova, which has a legendary history, is like no other school in the world. We are witnesses to what has happened and the level that the school is at today. For the first time, it promotes a monograph that comes from internal forces, from what has been sowed in this University, led by those who are products of this great school of building our national culture in all its aspects,’ emphasized Dr. Zhani Ciko.
The author of the book, Prof. Besiana Mehmedi, expressed that this is a special day for her, and she feels extremely happy to promote her first monograph on the 70th birthday of Professor Arifikmet Xhemaili. ‘During this time, my father’s words have often come to mind, and his expression: ‘the most difficult confrontation in life is the blank page, because it puts you in front of an eternal responsibility.’ I am a follower of the expression of gratitude for the work and sacrifice of our personalities at all times, but especially while we have them near us and alive. Therefore, this monograph, besides being a modest gift for the professor, I hope it serves as a valuable archive for conductors and musicians who, from the biography, work, and successes of the professor, will learn about the history of building the foundation of classical music in Macedonia and establishing a culture of choral singing and conducting. At the same time, this monograph will archive three decades of musical activity within the University of Tetova, where the main protagonist is the tireless missionary, Arifikmet Xhemaili,’ said, among others, the author of the monograph, Prof. Besiana Mehmedi.
The protagonist of the monograph, Prof. Dr. Arifikmet Xhemaili, emphasized that he feels extremely emotional on this day when his colleagues and the faculty where he has worked for 27 years honored him in this way. ‘I would like every colleague to experience what I feel today, which cannot be expressed in words. Often words do not have the power to say what the heart feels. I never thought of this day. During 45 years on stage and 27 years of work at the University, my goal was to work, to advance the choir, to elevate the cultural life in Tetova, to present the Faculty of Arts higher and higher, to create a healthy framework and a faculty that reflects our essence, and to be equal to all the choirs and faculties in the region, even, why not, to strive to be the best through our work. I never thought about what success would be, what the prize would be in competitions, or how society, the community, and colleagues would appreciate me. Today proves to me that only work brings both success and respect, and for that, I am extremely happy,’ declared Prof. Dr. Arifikmet Xhemaili.
With their speeches, this event was enriched by the Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Prof. Senad Abduli, the Minister of Education and Science, Jeton Shaqiri, the State Secretary of the Ministry of Culture, Valmir Aziri, who was also the designer of the monograph, the reviewer of the monograph, Mr. Sami Piraj, and the professor of the Faculty of Arts at our University, Prof. Dr. Jëlldëz Asani. In conclusion of this activity, the Rector of the University of Tetova, Prof. Dr. Jusuf Zejneli, awarded Prof. Dr. Arifikmet Xhemaili a appreciation for his contribution to the field of culture.