The producer of the film festival “Tirana 48 Hour 2021” Mr. Robert Aliaj (on November 10, 2021), visited the Faculty of Arts of the University of Tetova. On this occasion in front of the students and the academic staff of this faculty presented the purpose of this project – Contemporary Art Platform – Harabel.

Initially Mr. Robert Aliaj thanked the leaders of the Faculty of Arts of UT for the hospitality and the opportunity offered to present his project to the students of the Faculty of Arts in Tetovo.

He then focused on the film festival “Tirana 48 Hour 2021” that will take place in Tirana from November 26 to 28, of this year. According to Mr. Aliaj this is an international cultural project organized in more than 220 cities around the world. His focus is on short film, which offers young filmmakers and film amateurs the opportunity to show their skills in the field of cinematography.

He further added that each of the film crews selects by lot a genre, a character, an object, a dialogue line, and they have 48 hours to create a short film of 4-7 minutes, containing certain elements. Team members will be responsible for selecting a cast of actors and a team of technicians, for finding the equipment and any other material base needed to create a film within a weekend. He further added that every team, regardless of their skill level, has the right to participate in this competition. The short film making time will put the participants to the test by encouraging them to focus on creativity and teamwork. The emphasis is also placed on forming groups with local and regional creators by facilitating the creation of new connections and cooperation between young creators from all over Albania, Kosovo, or Macedonia.

The project will be developed in four phases, while those who are interested about this project for more information can contact the organizer of this project, the Harabel Contemporary Art Platform, at: e-mail: and on Instagram: harabelcontemporary.