At the University of Tetova today was held the XVIII International Seminar of Albanology with the topic: “The contribution of Rexhep Qosja to Albanian literature and culture”.

At the solemn ceremony, the Rector, Prof. Dr. Jusuf Zejneli, addressed the scientific researchers and other participants with a welcome speech. According to him, this scientific activity, which is organized by the University of Tetova with the contribution of the directorate and hundreds of scientific researchers and well-known researchers, has built the cultural identity, becoming an integral part of the Albanian development together with Tirana and Prishtina. “This year, in the eighteenth edition in a row, the International Seminar of Albanology marks yet another important achievement in the field of studies, because its program is mainly dedicated to the multifaceted figure of academician Rexhep Qosja. Professor Qosja, in addition to his valuable contribution to Albanian literature and culture, is widely known for his role in matters of philosophy, ideology and Albanian national politics. The scientific researchers who have dealt with the work of Professor Qosja share the opinion that he fully elaborates the unique creativity and intense activity in the service of our nation and gives us the model of how to work on the national issue. With the articulation of his positions, the figure of Rexhep Qosja crosses the boundaries of our culture and what makes him great is the fact that he is not simply in love with his nation and his compatriots. – said Rector Prof. Dr. Jusuf Zejneli.

The opening of the proceedings of this Seminar was also greeted through a letter by Academician Rexhep Qosja, in which, among other things, it was stated: “I express my deep gratitude that you have deemed it reasonable and desirable for this year’s Seminar activity to focus on my contribution to Albanian literature and culture, that you have considered it meaningful to bring together so many scholars from the entire Albanian geographical space, from the entire Albanian spiritual and cultural sphere, uniting renowned scholars, dedicated researchers, young scholars, and those who have just begun their scientific journey and who are our future. Some of them may have even been my students in Prishtina and, in the 2000s, in Tetovo, in your Tetovo and ours, in your knowledge-seeking Tetovo, where I had the fortune to be among them and experience unparalleled hospitality, impressive love and dedication to knowledge and progress. With warmth and special respect, I thank the presenters for their work and effort”.

Regarding the organization and the topics of the sessions addressed by the Seminar, the Director of the Seminar, Prof. Dr. Emine Shabani, spoke, who also presented her paper titled: “The Contribution of Rexhep Qosja to Culture, Literature, and Literary Criticism”.

At the solemn ceremony, Prof. Dr. Agim Vinca presented his paper titled: “Rexhep Qosja and Albanian Culture,” Prof. Dr. Shefkije Islamaj presented her paper on “The Meaning, Symbolism, and Aesthetics of Paratextual Elements in Rexhep Qosja’s Novels,” while Prof. Dr. Begzad Baliu presented the paper: “The Portrait of Adem Demaçi in the Scientific and Journalistic Works of Rexhep Qosja”.

Meanwhile, other participants from the region, the Republic of Albania, the Republic of Kosovo, the Presevo Valley, and the diaspora presented their scientific research within the respective sessions of this year’s Seminar program.