“Academic dialogues with the students and academic staff of the University of Tetova” was the theme of the activity that took place at our University by the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of North Macedonia. This event was organized on the occasion of NATO Day and the 3rd anniversary of North Macedonia’s membership in the North Atlantic Alliance. On this occasion, the Rector of the University of Tetova, Prof. Dr. Kushtrim Ahmeti, accompanied by the President of the Senate, Prof. Dr. Vullnet Ameti, the Vice-Rectors and other associates welcomed the Minister of Defense, Slavjanka Petrovska, the Minister of Economy, Kreshnik Bekteshi and the Brigadier General, Besnik Emini. In this meeting, in addition to the activities carried out by our institutions it was discussed about the importance and role of NATO in terms of political aspects, security, peace, stability, but also economic development. Rector of our university, Prof. Dr. Kushtrim Ahmeti, in his speech addressed to students and professors, said that, as we celebrate today the 3rd anniversary of North Macedonia’s membership in NATO, we say with that this is a historic and vitally important moment for our country. “The University of Tetova remains committed to play an active role in the Euro-Atlantic integration of our country, through educational and scientific activities, as well as our collaborations with other institutions and organizations. We are proud to stand here today as a member of the NATO community and we are committed to work together with our allies and partners to ensure a safer and more prosperous future for all. Membership in NATO has brought numerous benefits to North Macedonia, both in terms of security and economic development. As a member of NATO, North Macedonia has access to the alliance’s collective defense capabilities, which include a powerful system of mutual assistance and cooperation in the event of an attack on any member state”, emphasized Rector Prof. Dr. Kushtrim Ahmeti.

The Minister of Defense, Slavjanka Petrovska, spoke on the topic “The impact of geopolitical developments, the new security paradigm and the strategic concept of NATO 2030 – challenges and opportunities”. “When we talk about NATO, there are many challenges. When I was elected as the Minister of Defense last year, in the first meetings that I had with the general staff of the army, it often happened that they presented problems. At that time I was quite dedicated and I was oriented for the Army and the defense of the state that there are no problems but only challenges, since everything can be overcome. NATO is a serious challenge and a major strategic determinant, as it has been talked about in our country for more than 20 years. In 2020, after a long and meritorious journey, the Republic of North Macedonia became the 30th member of NATO,” said the Minister of Defense, Slavjanka Petrovska.

Meanwhile, the Minister of Economy, Kreshnik Bekteshi, was focused on the impact that the membership in NATO has had on the Economy of North Macedonia. “With NATO membership, foreign and domestic investors are encouraged to continue investing, the rule of law is also of great importance, which means that they make their investments in a stable country and thus will be protected as investors. In the last three years since the Republic of North Macedonia is a member of NATO, with the exception of 2020, due to the state of the pandemic, the data show that in 2022, under the conditions of the energy crisis, we have an increase in gross investments in BPV of 5 .5% in relation to 2021, increase in general trade of 20.8% in relation to foreign investments of 241 million euros in relation to 2021, decrease in unemployment of 1.2% in relation to 2021 and increase of the employment rate of 0.7% in relation to the year 2021”, said among other things the Minister of Economy, Kreshnik Bekteshi.

In today’s activity also spoke the Brigadier General Besnik Emini and Ilijia Dzhugumanov from the Euro-Atlantic Council of North Macedonia. In this event, it was also said that by marking the day of NATO, are promoted the history, values and goals of the Alliance, as well as is emphasized the importance of Euro-Atlantic integration.